[comp.lang.prolog] ALPUK'91 Provisional Conference Programme

timd@aiai.uucp (Tim Duncan) (02/01/91)

		Association for Logic Programming (UK)
			3rd Annual Conference

		       University of Edinburgh
			 10th-12th April 1991


Wednesday 10th April
10.00 - 12.30 TUTORIALS (parallel sessions)

   Tom Conlon (Edinburgh) Thinking in Parallel: Four Steps to Parlog
   Ian Jones (Bull, UK) Programming with Constraints
   Dale Miller (Pennsylvania) Meta-Programming in Lambda Prolog

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.00 INVITED TALK: Alan Bundy (Edinburgh)
   The Synthesis of Logic Programs from Inductive Proofs

15.00 - 15.30 Tea

15.30 - 16.00 P. Kacsuk (London)
   Towards Implementing Prolog on Massively Parallel Mixed Architecture
16.00 - 16.30 M. Huntbach (London)
   Speculative Computation and Priorities in Concurrent Logic Languages
16.30 - 17.00 Z. Markov and C. Dichev (Sofia)
   Distributed Logic Programming

Thursday 11th April
09.30 - 10.30 INVITED TALK: Frank McCabe (London)
   Logic, Objects and Inheritance (Provisional title)

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee

11.00 - 11.30 J. Darlington, Y. Guo and Q. Wu (London)
   A General Computational Scheme for Constraint Logic Programming
11.30 - 12.00 Y. Lichtenstein, B. Welham and A. Gupta (Bristol)
   Time Representation in Prolog Circuit Modelling
12.00 - 12.30 C. Roast (York)
   Interacting with the Logic of the Problem: Specifying and Prototyping
   Interactive Systems

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.00 INVITED TALK: Maurice Bruynooghe (Leuven)
   On abstract interpretation of logic programs

15.00 - 15.30 Tea

15.30 - 16.00 R. J. Gaizauskas (Brighton) 
   Deriving Answers to Logic Queries via Answer Composition
16.00 - 16.30 B. J. Ross (Edinburgh)
   Using Algebraic Semantics for Proving Prolog Termination and Transformation
16.30 - 17.00 V. S. Lakshmanan and C. H. Lim (Montreal)
   Can Filters Do Magic for Deductive Databases?

Friday 12th April
09.30 - 10.30 INVITED TALK: Robin Milner (Edinburgh) 
   The $\pi$-calculus: A Model for Moving Objects

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee

11.00 - 11.30 D. Robertson (Edinburgh)
   A Simple Prolog Techniques Editor for Novice Users
11.30 - 12.00 C. Draxler (Zurich)
   Accessing Relational Databases Through Database Set Predicates
12.00 - 12.30 R. Scowen (Teddington)
   A Brief Description of Problems in Standardizing Prolog

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.00 INVITED TALK: John Lloyd (Bristol)
   Programming in G\"{o}del

Programme Committee:
   Chris Mellish (Edinburgh)
   Frank McCabe (London)
   Pat Hill (Leeds)

Local Organisers:
   Tim Duncan, Geraint Wiggins

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%%%         \slot{Time}{Author(s)}{Affiliation}{Title}
\newcommand{\slot}[4]{#1 \hspace{.5cm} \parbox[t]{5.5in}{{\bf #2} (#3) \\{#4}}}
\newcommand{\invitedtalk}[4]{#1 \hspace{.5cm} 
	\parbox[t]{5.5in}{{\sc Invited talk:} {\bf #2} (#3) \\{#4}}}
\newcommand{\otherslot}[2]{#1 \hspace{.5cm} \parbox[t]{5.5in}{#2}}


{\Huge {\bf ALPUK'91}} \vspace{0.5cm}\\
{\Large Association for Logic Programming (UK) $3^{rd}$ Annual Conference}
{\bf University of Edinburgh, 10th--12th April 1991} \\
{\LARGE {\sc Provisional Conference Programme}}

\section*{Wednesday 10th April}

\otherslot{10.00--12.30}{{\sc Tutorials} (parallel sessions)
   \vspace{0.2cm} \\
   {\bf Tom Conlon} (Edinburgh) \\ Thinking in Parallel: Four Steps to Parlog.
   \vspace{0.2cm} \\
   {\bf Ian Jones} (Bull, UK) \\ Programming with Constraints.
   \vspace{0.2cm} \\
   {\bf Dale Miller} (Pennsylvania) \\ Meta-Programming in Lambda Prolog.}


\invitedtalk{14.00--15.00}{Alan Bundy}{Edinburgh}{The Synthesis of Logic Programs from Inductive Proofs.}


\slot{15.30--16.00}{P. Kacsuk}{London}{Towards Implementing Prolog on
Massively Parallel Mixed Architecture Computers.}

\slot{16.00--16.30}{M. Huntbach}{London}{Speculative Computation and
Priorities in Concurrent Logic Languages.}

\slot{16.30--17.00}{Z. Markov and C. Dichev}{Sofia}{Distributed Logic

\section*{Thursday 11th April}

\invitedtalk{09.30--10.30}{Frank McCabe}{London}{Logic, Objects and
Inheritance {\em (Provisional title)}}


\slot{11.00--11.30}{J. Darlington, Y. Guo and Q. Wu}{London}{A General
Computational Scheme for Constraint Logic Programming.}

\slot{11.30--12.00}{Y. Lichtenstein, B. Welham and A. Gupta}{Bristol}{Time
Representation in Prolog Circuit Modelling.}

\slot{12.00--12.30}{C. Roast}{York}{Interacting with the Logic of the Problem:
Specifying and Prototyping Interactive Systems.}


\invitedtalk{14.00--15.00}{Maurice Bruynooghe}{Leuven}{On Abstract
Interpretation of Logic Programs.}


\slot{15.30--16.00}{R. J. Gaizauskas}{Brighton}{Deriving Answers to Logic
Queries via Answer Composition.}

\slot{16.00--16.30}{B. J. Ross}{Edinburgh}{Using Algebraic Semantics for
Proving Prolog Termination and Transformation.}

\slot{16.30--17.00}{V. S. Lakshmanan and C. H. Lim}{Montreal}{Can Filters Do
Magic for Deductive Databases?} 

\section*{Friday 12th April}

\invitedtalk{09.30--10.30}{Robin Milner}{Edinburgh}{The $\pi$-calculus: A
Model for Moving Objects.} 


\slot{11.00--11.30}{D. Robertson}{Edinburgh}{A Simple Prolog Techniques Editor
for Novice Users.}

\slot{11.30--12.00}{C. Draxler}{Zurich}{Accessing Relational Databases Through
Database Set Predicates.} 

\slot{12.00--12.30}{R. Scowen}{Teddington}{A Brief Description of Problems in
Standardizing Prolog.}


\invitedtalk{14.00--15.00}{John Lloyd}{Bristol}{Programming in G\"{o}del.}


{\bf Programme Committee:} \\
Chris Mellish (Edinburgh) \\
Frank McCabe (London) \\
Pat Hill (Leeds) \\

{\bf Local Organisers:} \\
Tim Duncan, Geraint Wiggins
