[comp.lang.prolog] Heaps and other data structures

turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) (02/14/91)

In article <1991Feb13.235655.6202@cs.ubc.ca> poole@cs.ubc.ca (David Poole) writes:
>> Wrong.  Heaps work very nicely indeed in Prolog. ...

> Here is a simple solution ...

Given lists as primitive data structures, it is easy to create
heaps and all other tree-like data structures.  Unfortunately for
languages like Prolog and ML, there are many useful data
structures that involve cycles and hammocks.  As a simple
example, consider a tree each data node of which contains (1) a
person's name (and associated data), and (2) a pointer to the
node of that person's spouse.  The goal is to support a search
through the tree for a named individual, and to then retrieve the
data for the spouse in constant time. 

I would be interested if anyone can implement this kind of data
structure in Prolog.  (It is possible, of course, to perform the
desired application in Prolog using a different data structure.
As a computational engine, Prolog is Turing complete.  The issue
is not whether the application can be implemented Prolog, but
whether one can implement this particular data structure, with
its particular performance characteristics.)


felkl@aste16.Berkeley.EDU (Feliks Kluzniak) (02/15/91)

In article <17853@cs.utexas.edu>, turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) writes:
|> Given lists as primitive data structures, it is easy to create
|> heaps and all other tree-like data structures.  Unfortunately for
|> languages like Prolog and ML, there are many useful data
|> structures that involve cycles and hammocks.  As a simple
|> example, consider a tree each data node of which contains (1) a
|> person's name (and associated data), and (2) a pointer to the
|> node of that person's spouse.  The goal is to support a search
|> through the tree for a named individual, and to then retrieve the
|> data for the spouse in constant time. 
|> I would be interested if anyone can implement this kind of data
|> structure in Prolog.  (It is possible, of course, to perform the
|> desired application in Prolog using a different data structure.
|> As a computational engine, Prolog is Turing complete.  The issue
|> is not whether the application can be implemented Prolog, but
|> whether one can implement this particular data structure, with
|> its particular performance characteristics.)

Actually, this is quite easy.  Conventional implementations of Prolog
will allow you to create cyclic structures. (But you must know what you
are doing! In particular don't try to print them, and this includes
using the debugger.)  Such tricks are not pretty and in general not
recommended, but sometimes useful.

So, here goes. For simplicity, the information about a person consists
only of an unique name and a "pointer" to the spouse. Just for the fun
of it we will use an "open" binary search tree.

%%%  in_tree( + person record, +- tree )
%  Given a record whose name field is not a variable, locate it in the  tree
%  or insert it if not present.
%  Format of the tree:
%    a "normal" node is  t( left subtree, record, right subtree )
%    a leaf is a variable (new subtrees can be grafted here)
%  Format of the records:
%    p( name, spouse )  where name is an unique identifier and
%                             spouse is either a variable (i.e. no spouse)
%                                    or a person record.
%  NOTE: An attempt to re-insert the same person with a different spouse
%        will fail.

in_tree( p( Name, Spouse ), t( _, p( Name, Spouse ), _ ) ) :-
        nonvar( Name ).
in_tree( p( Name, Spouse ), t( Left, p( AName, _ ), _ ) ) :-
        nonvar( Name ),
        nonvar( AName ),
        Name @< AName,
        in_tree( p( Name, Spouse ), Left ).
in_tree( p( Name, Spouse ), t( _, p( AName, _ ), Right ) ) :-
        nonvar( Name ),
        nonvar( AName ),
        Name @> AName,
        in_tree( p( Name, Spouse ), Right ).

%  create_tree( + list of names, - tree )
%  Given a list of names create a tree of persons without spouses.

create_tree( [], _ ).
create_tree( [ Name | Names ], Tree ) :-
        in_tree( p( Name, _ ), Tree ),
        create_tree( Names, Tree ).

%%%  marry( + person record, + person record )
%  Connect the two records through their spouse fields,
%  fail if can't be done (i.e. at least one of the two fields 
%  is not a variable).
%  CAUTION: a cyclic structure is created here!

marry( P1, P2 ) :-
        P1 = p( _, P2 ),
        P2 = p( _, P1 ).

%%%  spouse_name( + person record, - spouse's name )
%  Retrieve the name of the spouse, return  unmarried  if none.

spouse_name( p( _, Spouse ), unmarried ) :-
        var( Spouse ).
spouse_name( p( _, Spouse ), SpouseName ) :-
        nonvar( Spouse ),
        Spouse = p( SpouseName, _ ).


test :- 
        create_tree( [ adam, jim, jack, eve, jill ], Tree ),
        write( 'The tree (no cyclic structures yet) :' ),  nl,
        write( Tree ),  nl,
        Bride = p( jill, _ ),
        Groom = p( jack, _ ),
        in_tree( Bride, Tree ),
        in_tree( Groom, Tree ),
        marry( Bride, Groom ),                  % jack <-> jill
        write( 'retrieval :' ),  nl,
        Person = p( jack, Spouse ),
        in_tree( Person, Tree ),
        spouse_name( Person, SpouseName ),
        write( 'Jack''s wife : ' ),
        write( SpouseName ),  nl,
        spouse_name( Spouse, SpousesSpouseName ),
        write( 'Jack''s wife''s husband : ' ),
        write( SpousesSpouseName ),  nl.

aste16-2% sicstus
SICStus 0.7 #1: Tue Sep 25 16:52:29 MET DST 1990
| ?- [ex].
{consulting /tmp_mnt/auto/asterix3/guest/felkl/tmp/ex.pl...}
{/tmp_mnt/auto/asterix3/guest/felkl/tmp/ex.pl consulted, 140 msec 3414 bytes}

| ?- test.
The tree (no cyclic structures yet) :
retrieval :
Jack's wife : jill
Jack's wife's husband : jack

| ?- 

You may well ask: why doesn't the Prolog textbook contain such information?
If I may be allowed to paraphrase Lenin: there is such a book...

-- Feliks Kluzniak

micha@ecrc.de (Micha Meier) (02/18/91)

In article <1991Feb15.124544.5542@ida.liu.se> felkl@aste16.Berkeley.EDU (Feliks Kluzniak) writes:
>Actually, this is quite easy.  Conventional implementations of Prolog
>will allow you to create cyclic structures. (But you must know what you
>are doing! In particular don't try to print them, and this includes
>using the debugger.)

This is not quite correct, there are Prolog systems (e.g. Sepia),
which allow you to set a bound on the depth of the terms being printed,
so that you can use even the debugger without any problems.
Besides that, any decent Prolog system allows to use portray/1
in the debugger so that you can decide yourself how deep
and in which form you want to print your infinite terms.

E-MAIL  micha@ecrc.de            	MAIL	Micha Meier
						ECRC, Arabellastr. 17
                     				8000 Munich 81

ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) (02/19/91)

In article <17853@cs.utexas.edu>, turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) writes:
> As a simple
> example, consider a tree each data node of which contains (1) a
> person's name (and associated data), and (2) a pointer to the
> node of that person's spouse.  The goal is to support a search
> through the tree for a named individual, and to then retrieve the
> data for the spouse in constant time. 

The answer when presented with a problem like this is to refuse to do
it.  Take a step back.  Ask "what is this useful for?"  Do something
else that is clean and fast and solves the problem.

Imagine, then, that we are given as our raw data, two lists:
a list of Person-Info pairs	People
a list of Person-Person pairs	Matings
and we want to have a data structure supporting both
	person_info(Person, Collection, Info)
	person_and_spouse_info(Person, Collection, PersonInfo, SpouseInfo)

"search for a named individual and retrieve the data for the spouse in
constant time".

Step 1:	sort People
Step 2: make Matings symmetric (so X-Y and Y-X are both present)
	and sort it.
Step 3: merge the sorted People and Matings, producing a new
	Mated list, holding Person-mating(Spouse,PersonInfo,SpouseInfo)
Step 4:	build a fast access structure for People, PeopleIndex
	(say a binary tree)
Step 5: build a fast access structure for Matings, MatingsIndex	
	(say a binary tree)
Step 6:	represent the entire collection by a pair

	person_info(Person, collection(PeopleIndex,_), Person-Info) :-
		lookup(Person, PeopleIndex, Info).

	person_and_spouse_info(Person, collection(_,MatingsIndex),
 			Person-PersonInfo, Spouse-SpouseInfo) :-
		lookup(Person, MatingsIndex,

You don't have cross-links *within* the structure.  Instead you have
multiple index structures *above* your raw data.

No, this doesn't do it the *way* that the poster demanded.
So?  In a real application, you shouldn't *care*.  You should
care about correctness and efficiency, but not how it's done.

What's more, in a real application, it's not clear to me why it is
so all-fired important to get to the spouse (which one?) in constant
time.  If it takes O(f(N)) time to get to the first person and find
there the spouse's name, then it'll take O(f(N)) time to get to the
spouse, so the total will be O(f(N)) + O(f(N)) which is still O(f(N)).

Bottom line:
    Yes, some *ways* of doing things *are* slow in Prolog.
    If you want a language that'll let you hack arbitrary data
    structures any way you want, use C++ (and *some* day they'll
    tell you what it means, maybe).  

Professional programming is paranoid programming