[comp.lang.prolog] Tree drawing

mcovingt@athena.cs.uga.edu (Michael A. Covington) (02/16/91)

Has anyone written a routine to display a Prolog structure in
tree form, so that for example


prints as something like this: --?

      np       vp
      |        |
    ------     |
    |    |     |
    d    n     v

   the  dog  barked

This is obviously useful for displaying the output of a parser, but
it also has other uses.

peter@doe.utoronto.ca (Peter Mielke) (02/17/91)

In <1991Feb16.035944.3055@athena.cs.uga.edu>, Michael A. Covington writes:
> Has anyone written a routine to display a Prolog structure in
> tree form, so that for example
>       s(np(d(the),n(dog)),vp(v(barked)))
> prints as something like this: --?
>            s
>            |
>       ----------
>       np       vp
>       |        |
>     ------     |
>     |    |     |
>     d    n     v
>    the  dog  barked

Are you writing some sort of NL parser? :-)

Here is some code that i used to print out tree diagrams for my
project. (It is written in the C-Prolog variant). It's not quite the
way you want but it may help...

% $Header: /usr/u/jrrandall/prolog/RCS/io,v 3.3 91/01/29 09:35:32 jrrandall Exp $
% $Log: io,v $
% Revision 3.3  91/01/29  09:35:32  jrrandall
% added the move frame, and cleaned stuff up so it would work under quintus log.
% Revision 3.2  91/01/26  12:59:19  psmielke
% made changes to the print struct routine and the way annotation is
% done.
% Revision 3.1  91/01/22  19:06:49  psmielke
% removed misc routines that are no longer needed
print_output([Word]) :- !, write(Word), nl.
% do not follow punctuation with a space
print_output([Word,','|Words]) :-
print_output([Word,'?'|Words]) :-
print_output([Word|Words]) :-
        write(' '),
read_sent(Words) :-
read_sent(C,[]) :- newline(C),!.
read_sent(C,Words) :-
read_sent(Char,[Word|Words]) :-
skipchar(32).        % skip spaces
skipchar(33).        % skip exclamation mark
skipchar(44).        % skip comma
skipchar(46).        % skip period
skipchar(58).        % skip colon
skipchar(59).        % skip semi-colon
skipchar(63).        % skip question mark


read_word(C,[],C) :- skipchar(C),!.
read_word(C,[],C) :- newline(C),!.
read_word(Char,[Char|Chars],New) :-

% print a structure tree
% (now also prints lists)
% print_struct(Tree)
% print_struct(Tree,Tab)
% eg.  print_struct(a(b,c,d(e,f))) gives:
% a(
%     b,
%     c,
%     d(
%         e,
%         f
%     )
% )

print_struct(Tree, Tab) :- !,
    Tree =.. [Node|List],
    p_struct(0, Tab, Node, List), nl.
print_struct(Tree) :- !,
    Tree =.. [Node|List],
    p_struct(0, 4, Node, List), nl.

% list of printable nodes (all others are rejected; used for
% information hiding)
allowable_nodes( [ adjectives, aux_verb, copula, determiner, ind_object,
    infinitive_clause, noun, noun_phrase, prep_phrase, preposition, pronoun,
    proper_noun, quantifier, rel_phrase, sentence, verb, verb_phrase,
    comp, mods, qualifier ] ).
% print the node name of the current node and then list all the
% (check to see if node is in current list of printable nodes)
% subnodes (if only one subnode print it on the same line)
p_struct(Offset, Tab, frame, [Head|[SList]] ) :- !,
    tab(Offset), write( frame ), nl,
    Offset2 is Offset + Tab,
    tab(Offset2), write( Head ), nl,
    p_slots( Offset2, SList ).

p_slots( _, [] ).
p_slots( Offset, [Slot|Rest] ) :-
    p_slot( Offset, Slot ),
    p_slots( Offset, Rest ).

p_slot( Offset, [Slotname|Filler] ) :-
    tab(Offset), write( Slotname ), put(32), put(58), put(32), % double colon
    p_slot2( Filler ).

p_slot2( [] ).
%   exception for uninstatiated values
p_slot2( [Head|Tail] ) :-
    var( Head ), !,
    write( '_' ),
    p_comma( Tail ),
    p_slot2( Tail ).
p_slot2( [Head|Tail] ) :-
    write( Head ),
    p_comma( Tail ),
    p_slot2( Tail ).
% print a comma only if we are NOT at the end of the list
p_comma(_) :- put(44), put(32).
p_struct(Offset, _, Node, [Head|Tail]) :-
    allowable_nodes( NList ),
    member( Node, NList ),
    atom(Head), Tail = [], !,
    nl, tab(Offset), write(Node), put(40), % left bracket
    put(32), write(Head), put(32), put(41). % finishing right bracket
% normal processing
p_struct(Offset, Tab, Node, List) :-
    allowable_nodes( NList ),
    member( Node, NList ), !,
    nl, tab(Offset), write( Node ), put(40), % left bracket
    Offset2 is Offset + Tab,
    p_list(Offset2, Tab, List),
    nl, tab(Offset), put(41). % finishing right bracket

% the fall through if the node is not to be printed
p_struct(_, _, _, _).
% p_struct(_, _, Node, _) :-
%   write( '**'), write( Node ), write('**').

% prints out the list of subnodes for a given node,
% (if the element is a list print it out all on one line)
p_list(_, _,[]).
p_list(Offset, Tab, [Head|List]) :-
    atom(Head), !,
    nl, tab(Offset), write( Head ), p_comma(List),
    p_list(Offset, Tab, List).
%   exception for uninstatiated values
p_list(Offset, Tab, [Head|List]) :-
    var(Head), !,
    nl, tab(Offset), write( '_' ), p_comma(List),
    p_list(Offset, Tab, List).
% the element is a list
p_list(Offset, Tab, [Head|List]) :-
    Head =.. [Node|_],
    Node = '.', !,
    tab(Offset), put( 91), put( 32 ),
    p_list2( Head ),
    p_list(Offset, Tab, List).

p_list(Offset, Tab, [Head|List]) :-
    Head =.. [Node|Sublist],
    p_struct(Offset, Tab, Node, Sublist),
    p_list(Offset, Tab, List).

% print out a list structure
p_list2( [] ) :-
    put( 32 ), put( 93 ).
%   exception for uninstatiated values
p_list2( [Head|Tail] ) :-
    var( Head ), !,
    write( '_' ),
    p_comma( Tail ),
    p_list2( Tail ).
p_list2( [Head|Tail] ) :-
    write( Head ),
    p_comma( Tail ),
    p_list2( Tail ).
% print a comma only if we are NOT at the end of the list
p_comma(_) :- put(44), put(32).
Peter Mielke                                    peter@doe.utoronto.ca
Dictionary of Old English Project               utgpu!utzoo!utdoe!peter
University of Toronto

neumann@dec4.wu-wien.ac.at (Gustaf Neumann) (02/17/91)

In article <1991Feb16.035944.3055@athena.cs.uga.edu>, mcovingt@athena.cs.uga.edu (Michael A. Covington) writes:
|> Has anyone written a routine to display a Prolog structure in
|> tree form, so that for example
|> 	s(np(d(the),n(dog)),vp(v(barked)))
|> prints as something like this: --?
|> 	   s
|>            |
|>       ----------
|>       np       vp
|>       |        |
|>     ------     |
|>     |    |     |
|>     d    n     v

Here comes such a program that i have written some time ago.
It is not well documented and might entail some criticism on
the prolog style, but it does the requested job. Have fun.

in addition i could offer a version for graphical devices
with much more features (such as different box-styles, multiple colors, 
various arc drawing styles and several tree-layouts), which needs some
work from my side, since it was written first on VM/Prolog (with gddm-output),
then it was ported to X11 (Xlib-calls) and the current version produces
tgif input files (tgif is a free graphic editor for X11-R4) where the
trees can be easily edited or commented. If some is interested, 
please email to my id.

   printing Prolog terms in a tree layout for typewriter output.

   Written in Spring 1985 -- Gustaf Neumann 

   (c)1985 Gustaf Neumann, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien,
      Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna, Austria *222/31 336-4533. 
      email:  neumann@wu-wien.ac.at  or  neumann@awiwuw11.bitnet

   Permission is granted to use, copy and distribute this program as long 
   (1) this note remains intact, 
   (2) no fees are charged and 
   (3) no further restrictions are imposed.

   The following predicates are not defined within this program:
   -   length(List,Length), 
   -   tab(Exp), 
   -   append(A,B,AB).
   Do not try to print infinite trees :-)

   To show, what this program does, issue the goal: examples. 

examples:- example(X), ppt(X), nl, nl, write(X), nl,
	wait_for_input, fail.

example(buch(titel(wirschaftsinformatik1),autor(hans_robert, hansen))).
%example((ppt(X,Y):-Body)):- clause(ppt(X,Y),Body).

*                      top level predicate ppt/1                        *
ppt(Term):- ppt(Term,arc).
ppt(Term,Arc) :-
      number_vars(Term,0,_),          /* ground all variables in Term     */
     {pos(Term,Pos,C,0-Right)},       /* compute hor. positions of nodes  */
     {inv([Pos],[]:_,H:T,s)},         /* invert structure for printing    */
      posdiff(-(72-Right)//2,0,Tab),  /* compute hor. tab for centering   */
                                      /* print tree in line printer mode  */

*                      Compute Positions of Nodes                       *
pos(Head,t(Head,Rel,L,[],0)-[], Nc, N0-Nn):-     /* leaf node         */
     atomic(Head), !,
     string_length(Head,L), Nn is N0+L,
     Rel is L//2,                                /* middle of the node */
     Nc  is (N0+Nn)//2.                          /* center over node   */
pos(X,t(Head,Rel,L,Centers,Adj)-A, Nc, N0-N2):-  /* non-leaf node      */
     X =.. [Head|Args],
     string_length(Head,L), posdiff(N1-N0,L,Error),
     Adj is (Error+((N1-N0) mod 2))//2,
     N2 is N1+Error,
     Rel is L//2,                                /* middle of the node */
     Nc  is (N0+N2)//2.

pos_list([],   [],      [],         N-N).
pos_list([H],  [A],     [Center],   N-N1) :- !, pos(H,A,Center,N-N1).
     pos( H,    A,       C,         N0-N1),
     N2 is N1+2, pos_list(T,Args,Centers,N2-Nn).

string_length(X,L):- atomic(X), name(X,S), length(S,L).

posdiff(Expr,L,Adj):- Adj is L-Expr, Adj > 0, !.


*                              invert tree                              *

*                              print tree                               *
print_tree(Node:Deep, Centers, Tab, Arc) :-
     tab(Tab), print_list(Node,0,Centers,Cd), nl,
     {(   Arc  == noarc
      ;    Deep == []
      ;    tab(Tab), marks(Centers,Node,0),
           tab(Tab), horarc(Node,0,_), nl,
           tab(Tab), marks(Cd,0)

print_list([t(H,Rel,L,Cd,Adj)|R], P0, [C|Centers], Ca) :-
     P is C-Rel, tab(P-P0), write(H), Pn is P+L,
     add_to(Cd,Adj,Cda), {append(Cda,Cr,Ca)}.

*                              draw arcs                                *
marks([],[],_) :- nl.
marks([H|T],[t(_,_,_,[],_)|R],E) :- !, tab(H-E), write(' '),marks(T,R,H+1).
marks([H|T],[_|R],            E) :-    tab(H-E), write('|'),marks(T,R,H+1).

marks([],_) :- nl.
marks([H|T],E) :- tab(H-E), write('|'), marks(T,H+1).

horarc([], A,A).
horarc([t([],_,_,_,_  )|R],P,P2) :- !, horarc(R,P,P2).
horarc([t(_,_,_,Cd,Adj)|R],P,P2) :-    line(Cd,Adj,P,P1), horarc(R,P1,P2).

line([],   _,E,P) :- P is E.
line([H],  A,E,P) :- !, tab(H+A-E), write('.'), P is H+A+1.
line([H|T],A,E,P) :-    tab(H+A-E), write('.'), line_([H|T],A,H+A+1,P).

line_([],      _,E,P) :- P is E.
line_([H],     A,E,P) :- line_to(H+A-E), P is H+A+1.
line_([_,T|Tt],A,E,P) :- line_to(T+A-E), write('.'), line_([T|Tt],A,T+A+1,P).

line_to(Exp)  :- L is Exp, line_to_(L,'-').
line_to_(L,_) :- L < 1.
line_to_(L,C) :- L >= 1, write(C), L1 is L-1, line_to_(L1,C).

add_to([H|T],A,[Ha|Ta]) :- Ha is H+A, add_to(T,A,Ta).

*                       misc utility predicates                         *
{G} :- G,!.

wait_for_input :- get0(_).
%wait_for_input :- system([clrscrn,more]).

number_vars(Term,N0,N1) :- 
	var(Term), !, 
	name(N0,Digits), name('V',[C]), 
	N1 is N0+1.
number_vars(Term,N0,N0) :- 
	atomic(Term), !.

number_vars(Term,N0,N1) :- 
	Term =.. [_|Args], 

number_list([H|T],N0,N2) :- number_vars(H,N0,N1), number_list(T,N1,N2).

ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) (02/19/91)

In article <1991Feb16.035944.3055@athena.cs.uga.edu>, mcovingt@athena.cs.uga.edu (Michael A. Covington) writes:
> Has anyone written a routine to display a Prolog structure in
> tree form, ... for example 	s(np(d(the),n(dog)),vp(v(barked)))

The Quintus library provides several ways of displaying trees, but
rotated by 90 degrees from what you want.  The basic problem is that
s(np(d(the),n(dog)),vp(v(barked))) is not a very good way of representing
a parse tree, except for toy programs and tiny illustrations.  (You
really should allow for non-atomic category labels.)  "Rotated" pictures
        +-- np
        |   +-- d the
        |   +-- n dog
        +-- vp
	    +-- v barked
are quite easy to print, and rather easier to find your way around.
Professional programming is paranoid programming