[comp.lang.prolog] LPA Prolog

eehamid@cybaswan.UUCP (ia.hamid) (02/20/90)

This is my second mail on the same issue. I have just realised
that my firt posting could have implied that I was looking for
a "free copy" of this compiler. Let me restate my case:

I am trying to buy a legitamate copy of this particular prolog
implementation called LPA Professional Prolog V2.6. I think LPA
stands for Logics Programming Associates Ltd.? If any of you out
there know how I can obtained - with hard cash - a copy of this
software in the U.K., please come forward. Any pointers, for that
matter, is greatly appreciated. Thanks and my apologies if my
first posting caused some confusion.

UWCS Swansea,

dinapoli@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Ron DiNapoli) (02/21/90)

In article <1383@cybaswan.UUCP> eehamid@cybaswan.UUCP (ia.hamid) writes:
>This is my second mail on the same issue. I have just realised
>that my firt posting could have implied that I was looking for
>a "free copy" of this compiler. Let me restate my case:
>I am trying to buy a legitamate copy of this particular prolog
>implementation called LPA Professional Prolog V2.6. I think LPA
>stands for Logics Programming Associates Ltd.? If any of you out
>there know how I can obtained - with hard cash - a copy of this
>software in the U.K., please come forward. Any pointers, for that
>matter, is greatly appreciated. Thanks and my apologies if my
>first posting caused some confusion.
>UWCS Swansea,

In the January 1990 issue of AI Expert, the following information is given

PROLOG Professional

Logic Programming Associates
U.S. distributor: Quintis Computer Systems, Inc.
1310 Villa St.
Mountain View, California  94041
(415) 965-7700
Price: PROLOG Professional $995
System: IBM PC

(This was taken from pg 59 of the 1/90 issue)

I realize that you are not in the US and the address given is for the US 
distributor, but perhaps it is a place to start. 

Just curious -- why are you solely interested in LPA Prolog?

Ron DiNapoli

vicci@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Vicci Varner) (03/08/91)

Does anyone out there have a phone number for whoever distributes LPA
Prolog in this country?  We are very eager to speak with them.


Vicci Varner
University of Texas at Arlington

timd@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Tim Duncan) (03/08/91)

I believe LPA Prolog is handled in the states by Quintus:

        Quintus Computer Systems Inc,
        1310 Villa Street,
        Mountain View,
        CA 94041
        Tel: (415) 965 7700
        Email: sales%quintus.com@sun.com

 | Tim Duncan, AI Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh,  |
 |  80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, Scotland, United Kingdom.   |
 |         INTERNET: T.Duncan%uk.ac.ed@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk           |
 |            BITNET: T.Duncan%uk.ac.ed@ukacrl.bitnet               |
 |             UUCP: ... mcvax!ukc!ed.ac.uk!T.Duncan                |
 |               JANET: T.Duncan@uk.ac.edinburgh                    |