katuscia@cwi.nl (Palamidessi Catuscia) (04/18/91)
Call For Participation ICLP'91 Preconference Workshop on CONCURRENT LOGIC PROGRAMMING June 24, 1991, Paris, France The ICLP'91 will be held in Paris (France) from June 24 to June 28, 1991. Thus, we would like to bring together the leading researchers in the area of "Concurrent logic Programming", in June 24, just before the ICLP, at INRIA in the suburbs of Paris, near Versailles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The aim of this workshop is to discuss new proposals and developments in the field of concurrent logic/concurrent constraint languages. Presentations and discussions are invited on any topic in this area including but not limited to: - new linguistic paradigms, - foundational aspects (semantics of concurrency, language comparison, etc.) - development and applications of semantic tools (abstract interpretation, deadlock analysis, refinement tecniques etc.) Reports on related topics are also invited. We would like to invite all the participants, who intend to make a presentation, to submit an extended abstract or a full paper by May 15,1991, the title of their talk and their postal and electronic addresses, to Catuscia Palamidessi C.W.I., P.O. Box 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: katuscia@cwi.nl Tel: +31 (20) 592 4076 Fax: +31 (20) 592 4199 If required by time allocation problems, a selection of the submitted papers will be made for presentation; acceptance will be notified by June 5th. The abstracts will be distributed to all the participants. We are also investigating the possibility of having formal proceedings on LNCS. Those who are only interested in attending the workshop are welcome too. They are kindly requested to send their postal and electronic addresses as soon as possible. Important dates: Deadline for paper submission: May 15th Notification for acceptance of presentation: June 5th If you have any questions on the workshop, please feel free to contact us. Yours Sincerely, Catuscia Palamidessi (Workshop organizer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- % Latex version \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} % measures to be used for A4 format % measures to be used for American % % format \textheight 46\baselineskip % \textheight 46\baselineskip \marginparwidth 16 mm % \marginparwidth 16 mm \textwidth 15 cm % \textwidth 16 cm \evensidemargin 9 mm % \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} \oddsidemargin 9 mm % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} % \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5 in} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \bf Call For Participation} \\ \vspace{0.75ex} {\large \bf ICLP\'{ }91 Preconference Workshop on} \\ \vspace{2ex} {\Large \bf CONCURRENT LOGIC PROGRAMMING} \\ \vspace{2ex} {\large \bf June 24, 1991} \\ \vspace{0.75ex} {\large \bf Paris, France} \end{center} \noindent The ICLP'91 will be held in Paris (France) from June 24 to June 28, 1991. Thus, we would like to bring together the leading researchers in the area of "Concurrent logic Programming", in June 24, just before the ICLP, at INRIA in the suburbs of Paris, near Versailles. \begin{center} --------------------------------------------------------- \end{center} \noindent The aim of this workshop is to discuss new proposals and developments in the field of concurrent logic/concurrent constraint languages. Presentations and discussions are invited on any topic in this area including but not limited to: \begin{itemize} \item new linguistic paradigms, \item foundational aspects (semantics of concurrency, language comparison, etc.) \item development and applications of semantic tools (abstract interpretation, deadlock analysis, refinement tecniques etc.) \end{itemize} \noindent Reports on related topics are also invited. \bigskip \noindent We would like to invite all the participants, who intend to make a presentation, to submit an extended abstract or a full paper by May 15,1991, the title of their talk and their postal and electronic addresses, to \begin{center} Catuscia Palamidessi \\ C.W.I., P.O. Box 4079, 1009 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands \\ Email: katuscia@cwi.nl \\ Tel: +31 (20) 592 4076 \\ Fax: +31 (20) 592 4199 \end{center} \noindent If required by time allocation problems, a selection of the submitted papers will be made for presentation; acceptance will be notified by June 5th. The abstracts will be distributed to all the participants. We are also investigating the possibility of having formal proceedings on LNCS. \bigskip \noindent Those who are only interested in attending the workshop are welcome too. They are kindly requested to send their postal and electronic addresses as soon as possible. \bigskip \noindent \begin{tabular}{ll} {\bf Important dates:} & Deadline for paper submission: May 15th \\ \mbox{ } & Notification for acceptance of presentation: June 5th \end{tabular} \bigskip \noindent If you have any questions on the workshop, please feel free to contact us. \bigskip Catuscia Palamidessi (Workshop organizer) \end{document}