[comp.lang.prolog] Workshop on V&V of KBS

lemoine@geocub.UUCP (Michel Lemoine) (04/24/91)

22-24 July 1991
Jesus College 
Tel: +44-223-66343
Fax: +44-223-322315
Sponsored  by  Logica in association   with the  Commission   of  the European
Communities and the Department of Trade and Industry
Workshop Objectives
As  the number of  knowledge-based systems  being  deployed continues  to grow
there is an increasing need to provide  mechanisms  and techniques to evaluate
the extent to which completed systems satisfy  their original objectives. This
is  important not only  to the   users of  such    systems, but  also provides
invaluable feedback to developers about  the effectiveness of their knowledge-
based systems technology.
Verification and Validation of knowledge-based systems is of key importance in
this process   and will be a  major  contributing factor  in the deployment of
knowledge-based systems in a wide range of application areas. The objective of
this workshop is to  bring together researchers who  share an interest  in the
validation of knowledge based systems  and related  fields in order  to define
the state-of-the-art and future research needs.
To encourage active discussion and exchange of ideas the workshop will be kept
small;  the  number of participants  planned  is around 40.  The workshop will
consist of  a   number  of  presentations  and  provide  ample opportunity for
technical discussions.
The programme will consider three important themes:
Theoretical foundations - There are evolving theories which seek to generalize
elements of KBS development and  V&V. For example,  defining generic tasks (eg
knowledge acquisition and representation), their  associated problems, and the
methods  used  to accomplish  them. Can  such  theories  help the developer to
structure KBS verification and validation by delineating the kinds of task and
information that are  required  to  build confidence  in a   system's  overall
effectiveness?  This theme  will  explore work  being   done  to  establish  a
well-founded approach to KBS verification and validation.
Tools and techniques - The process of verifying  and  validating a KBS  can be
greatly assisted by providing an environment in which the various participants
in a  KBS development have  ready  access  to knowledge representation schemes
used to express knowledge statements and  the inferences which can be operated
on them, in a form  which is easy to  understand.  This theme will explore the
sorts  of  verification and  validation  tools  currently  being developed and
assess their effectiveness.
Industry requirements - If KBS are to be successfully used to solve real-world
problems, then  industry  must have  confidence  in   the technology  and  its
application.  For example, medical  instrument companies need to establish for
themselves and  their customers that   a  knowledge-based drug  administration
system is sufficiently competent to be used by hospital staff. This theme will
explore what  industry  requirements are and how  these requirements are being
met by current research.
One theme will be considered each day of the workshop. In the morning a series
of short presentations  will be given  by selected  workshop  participants  on
their work; the list of papers to be presented is currently being  reviewed by
the workshop committee and will be finalized in May. The  issues and questions
raised by  these   presentations  will  be  discussed   by  small   groups  of
participants during the afternoon.The findings of each group will be presented
to all workshop participants during a plenary session at the end of each day.
In addition to the core workshop activities,  Professor Luc Steels (University
of Brussels)  will give  the workshop's keynote  speech  on Monday 22 July, Dr
Brian Oakley (Logica) will  be the  guest speaker  at the workshop  banquet on
Tuesday 23  July, and Dr Enric  Plaza (CEAB) will  give the closing  speech on
Wednesday 24 July.
Registration (inclusive of UK VAT)
Attendance Requirements
Each participant will  be expected to submit  a one page  description of their
interests in the workshop.
Registration Fees
The  workshop will be held  in  the  historic surroundings of  Jesus  College,
Cambridge. Full accommodation is available in the college if required.
Workshop attendance, including lunches and 		325 pounds
banquet (no accommodation included)
Workshop attendance with full accommodation		450 pounds
for 21 to 23 July inclusive and attendance of
Additional accommodation for the night			 75 pounds
of 24 July (optional) 
EUROVAV-91 Registration Form
Please print or type.
Please indicate your level of participation (Delete as appropriate)
I intend to submit/have already submitted a full paper
I enclose a one page description of my interests in KBS Verification and 
Please indicate attendance package required (Delete as appropriate)
Workshop attendance, including lunches	 		325 pounds
and banquet, but excluding accommodation
Workshop attendance with full				450 pounds
accommodation and attendance of 
Additional accommodation for the night			 75 pounds
of 24 July (optional) 
Total Enclosed
Payment should   be made  in  pounds  sterling  with  your  registration form.
Cheques/bankers drafts should be made payable to Logica Cambridge Limited.
Completed registration forms should be returned to the workshop secretariat at
the address  shown          below.
Workshop Co-chairmen
Peter Jenkins			Enric Plaza
Logica Cambridge Ltd		CEAB
Betjeman House			Cami de Sta. Barbara
104 Hills Road			E-17300, Blanes
Cambridge CB2 1LQ		Spain
Programme Committee
Marc Ayel, Universite de Savoie, France
Sandro Bologna, ENEA, Italy
Jesus Cardenosa, Universidad Politechnica de Madrid, Spain
Jack Foisseau, CERT, France
Heri Nonfjall, CRI, Denmark
L F Pau, DEC Europe, France
Sylvie Petitjean, Cognitech, France
Kevin Poulter, Logica Cambridge Limited, UK
Nigel Shadbolt, University of Nottingham, UK
Ingeborg Solvberg, Sintef, Norway
(Enquiries, registration etc.)
Anna Disley
Logica Cambridge Limited
Betjeman House
104 Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1LQ
(Technical queries etc.)
Kevin Poulter
Logica Cambridge Limited
Betjeman House
104 Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1LQ
Tel: +44 223 66343
Fax: +44 223 322315