[comp.lang.prolog] looking for citation - formal semantics

citrin@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Wayne Citrin) (05/09/91)

I have a tech report from the University of Copenhagen, from 1986, entitled
"A Semantics-Based Framework for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog",
by Neil Jones and Harald Sondergaard.  I'd like to cite it, but I'd prefer
to cite a published version.  Can someone supply me with a published citation?



Wayne Citrin

sestoft@diku.dk (Peter Sestoft) (05/13/91)

citrin@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Wayne Citrin) writes:

>I have a tech report from the University of Copenhagen, from 1986, entitled
>"A Semantics-Based Framework for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog",
>by Neil Jones and Harald Sondergaard.  I'd like to cite it, but I'd prefer
>to cite a published version.  Can someone supply me with a published citation?

The/one reference is:

@INPROCEEDINGS{ Jones:87:ASemantics-BasedFramework,
  AUTHOR        = "N.D. Jones and H. S{\o}ndergaard",
  TITLE         = "A Semantics-Based Framework for the Abstract 
		   Interpretation of {P}rolog",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Abstract Interpretation of Declarative Languages",
  EDITOR        = "S. Abramsky and C. Hankin",
  PUBLISHER     = "Ellis Horwood", 
  ADDRESS       = "Chichester, England", 
  YEAR          = "1987",
  PAGES         = "123-142"}

Peter Sestoft  *  sestoft@diku.dk   *   DIKU,  Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark
Tel: +45 31 39 64 66  *  Direct: +45 31 39 33 11/406  *  Fax: +45 31 39 02 21