[comp.lang.prolog] PLILP 91

mueck@unipas.fmi.uni-passau.de (Andreas Mueck) (05/27/91)

                        P L I L P  9 1

                      P  R  O  G  R  A  M 

Third International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation
                     and Logic Programming


ALP	Association of Logic Programming
FORWISS	Bay. Forschungszentrum fuer Wissensbasierte Systeme 
INRIA	Institut National de Recherches en Informatique et en Automatique
University of Passau

The aim of PLILP is to explore new declarative concepts, methods and 
techniques relevant for implementation of all kinds of programming 
languages, whether algorithmic or declarative ones. The intention is 
to gather researchers from the fields of algorithmic programming 
languages as well as logic, functional and object-oriented programming. 
PLILP '91 will take place in Passau, Germany, from August 26 - 28.

Passau, the southeasternmost town in the Federal Republic of Germany, 
impresses visitors with its unique location and the italienate elegance
of its architecture. There have been settlements at the confluence of 
the Danube, Inn and Ilz for over two thousand years. For hundreds of 
years Passau owed its importance to its prince-bishops who resided in 
the town and ruled a diocese reaching as far as Hungary. The Cathedral 
of St. Stephan houses the biggest church organ in the world. Since 
1622 Passau has an active academic life. The new university was 
founded in 1978.

PLILP 91's predecessors have been held in Orleans, France, 1988 and 
in Linkoeping, Sweden, 1990. 
The following program contains 32 selected talks out of 96 contributions 
in response to the Call for Papers. 

Invited speakers are David B. MacQueen (Bell Labs) and Hassan Ait-Kaci 
(DEC Research Center). 

In parallel to the talks there will be system demonstrations about 
new implementations in the area of functional, logic and object-oriented 
programming languages. Participants who are interested in presenting 
systems related to the topics of PLILP are requested to cross the 
appropriate line in the registration form and send information on their 
system. Please note that the deadline for system demonstrations is 
July 16, 1991.

Students and participants of eastern countries may apply for grants 
(up to DM 400,--). Deadline for application: July 16. 

If there is interest, we will organize a kindergarten at the conference, 
where you can leave your children during lecture-time. Please indicate 
in the registration form (until July 16) whether you want to take 
advantage of this kindergarten-service.


Monday, August 26
 8:30	Opening
 8:45	Invited Lecture: D.B. MacQueen, A. Appel: SML of 
	New Jersey
 9:45	Coffee Break
Session: Functional & Logic Programming
10:00	L. Naish: Adding Equations to NU-Prolog
10:30	S. Yamasaki: Extraction of Functional from Logic 
11:00	Coffee Break
Session: Integration of Programming Concepts I
11:15	H. Kredel: The Mas Specification Component
11:45	T.C.N. Graham, G. Kock: Domesticating Imperative 
	Constructs So That They Can Live in a Functional World
12:15	Lunch
Session: Compiler Construction I
13:30	A. Poetzsch-Heffter: Logic-Based Specification of 
	Visibility Rules
14:00	M.A.  Ertl, A. Krall: Optimal Instruction Scheduling Using 
	Constraint Logic Programming
14:30	Coffee Break
Session: Parallel Implementations
14.45	F. Baiardi, D.M. Di Bella: An Architectural Model 
	for OR-Parallellism on Distributed Memory Systems
15:15	K. Langendoen: FRATS: A  Parallel Reduction Strategy for 
	Shared Memory
15:45	Coffee Break
Session: Narrowing
16:00	M. Alpuente, M. Falaschi: Narrowing as an 
	Incremental Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm
16:30	M.M.T. Chakravarty, H.C.R. Lock: The 
	Implementation of Lazy Narrowing
17:00	Coffee Break
Session: Semantics
17:15	C. Consel, Siau Cheng Khoo: Semantics-Directed 
	Generation of a Prolog Compiler
17:45	E. Boerger, B. Demoen: A Framework to Specify 
	Database Update Views for Prolog
18:15	End
19:00	Organ Concert

Tuesday, August 27
Session: Modular Logic Programming
 8:30	S. Ferenczi: Concepts for a Modular and Distributed 
	Prolog Language
 9:00	A. Davison: From Parlog to Polka in Two Easy Steps
 9:30	Coffee Break
Session: Compiler Construction II
 9:45	A. Aasa: Precedences in Specifications and 
	Implementations of Programming Languages
10:15	C.W. Kessler, W.J. Paul, T. Rauber: A Randomized 
	Heuristic Approach to Register Allocation
10:45	N. Halbwachs, P. Raymond, C. Ratel: Generating 
	Efficient Code From Data-Flow Programs
11:15	Coffee Break


Session: Grammars
11:30	C.H.A. Koster, J.G. Beney: On the  Borderline between 
	Grammars and Programs
12:00	H. Vogt, D. Swierstra, M. Kuiper: Efficient 
	Incremental Evaluation of Higher Order Attribute 
12:30	J. Paakki: PROFIT: A System Integrating Logic 
	Programming and Attribute Grammars
13:00	Lunch
14.00	Excursion  and Conference Dinner at Neuburg 

Wednesday, August 28
 8:30	Invited Lecture: H. Ait-Kaci: Some Key Concepts in 
 9:30	Coffee Break
Session: Extension of Logic Programming
 9:45	P.Y. Gloess: U-Log, An Ordered Sorted Logic with 
	Typed Attributes
10:15	Weidong Chen, D.S. Warren: Compilation of Set 
	Abstractions in Logic Programming
10:45	Coffee Break
Session: Abstract Interpretation
11:00	U. Nilsson: Abstract Interpretation: A Kind of Magic
11:30	G. File, P. Sottero: Abstract Interpretation for Type 
12:00	M. Hermenegildo, F. Giannotti: A Technique for 
	Recursive Invariance Detection and Selective Program 
	Specialization Using Abstract Interpretation and Program 
12:30	Lunch
Session: Optimization Techniques
13:30	R. Loogen, S. Winkler: Dynamic Detection of 
	Determinism in Functional Logic Languages
14:00	M. Proietti, A. Pettorossi: Unfolding-Definition-Folding, 
	in this Order, for Avoiding Unnecessary Variables in 
	Logic Programs
14:30	Coffee Break
Session: Integration of Programming Concepts II
14:45	P.H. Cheong, L. Fribourg: Efficient Integration of 
	Simplification into Prolog
15:15	S. Antoy: Lazy Evaluation in Logic
15:45	J. Boye: S-SLD-resolution - An Operational 
	Semantics for Logic Programs with External 
16:15	Coffee Break
Session: Constraint Logic Programming
16:30	P. Van Hentenryck, Y. Deville: Operational 
	Semantics of Constraint Logic Programming over 
	Finite Domains
17:00	A. Brogi, M. Gabbrielli: Constraints for Synchronizing 
	Coarse-grained Sequential Logic Processes
17:30	Coffee & End of PLILP 

In parallel to the talks, system demonstrations will 
be organized.



return to	PLILP '91
	Bay. Forschungszentrum fuer
	Wissensbasierte Systeme
	Innstr. 33
	D-8390 Passau
	Federal Republic of Germany

I will attend PLILP '91.

Name:    ________________________________________________

Affiliation:	_________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________



Phone:	 ________________________________________________

Fax:	 ________________________________________________

e-mail:	 ________________________________________________

Registration fees:
by registration	until July 16 [ ] DM 405,--
	later                 [ ] DM 450,--
Student fees: (does not include proceedings)
by registration	until July 16 [ ] DM 155,--
	later                 [ ] DM 200,--
Additional Ticket for Excursion and 
Conference Dinner:            [ ] DM 65,--
(Registration/student fee includes one ticket 
for excursion and dinner)

[ ]  I will take advantage of the kindergarten-service; 
     no. and age of children 
[ ]  I plan to give a system demonstration
[ ]  I include a cheque on the amount of  	___________ 
     payable to "FORWISS-PLILP '91"
[ ]  I transfer the amount of ______________ to banking account 
     number 240 251 249 "FORWISS-PLILP '91" at Sparkasse Passau 
     (bank code number 740 500 00)

Note that credit cards are  n o t  accepted!

____________	_____________________
date	        signature



Please reserve for the time from __________ to ____________
a [ ] single bedroom     [ ] double bedroom
within the price range as indicated below
[ ]  more than DM 95,--
[ ]  from DM 60,-- to DM 95,--
[ ]  from DM 50,-- to DM 60,--
[ ]  from DM 30,-- to DM 50,--
Please note that in case the desired price range is not available, 
the next higher group will be booked. 
The room has to be payed on arrival.

____________	_______________________
date	        signature