hanusj@bionette.cgrb.orst.edu (Joe Hanus - Botany) (06/06/91)
Thanks to the people who sent me recommendations for Prolog texts. (Even their entire bibliographies on prolog. The Quintus rep also sent copies of pages from their reference manuals). The following seem to be the most frequently chosen as worthwhile texts. Clocksin and Mellish is considered a classic basic book on prolog. The Art of Prolog comes recommended by a number of sources for developing non-trivial applications. The Bratko book is also frequently and highly recommended. -------------------------------------------------------------- Programming in Prolog, Clocksin and Mellish,Springer-Verlag published by Scott, Foresman The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques. Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1986. Ivan Bratko, Programming in Prolog for Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley. PROLOG PROGRAMMING IN DEPTH, by Covington, Nute, and Vellino, PROLOG VERSUS YOU, Johansson/Eriksson/Edman, 1989, Springer, Berlin The Craft of PROLOG, R.A. OKeefe. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990. The Practice of Prolog. Leon Sterling, editor. MIT Press, 1990. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joe Hanus | E-MAIL hanusj@bionette.cgrb.orst.edu Microbial Germplasm Database | hanusj@orstvm (bitnet) Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology | Phone (503)-737-5300 Oregon State University | FAX (503)-737-3045 Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 | ______________________________________________________________________________