[comp.lang.prolog] Looking for Prolog for Unix

charmi@dist.unige.it (Giancarlo Succi) (06/12/91)

I  am pretty aware  that my question  is likely  to  have been already
posed several time, but I am quite a neofite ... :-) !!
We are looking for a  *good* prolog (i.e.,  simple to use, to install,
bla bla bla) at a reasonable price possibly easy to  interface  with C
and with X. What do you suggest me ?
If you send me  e-mail with your  knowledge and experience  I can then
summarize it and post it to this news group for future customers !!!

Thank You



			   Giancarlo Succi

		     DIST - Universita` di Genova

s-mail								         e-mail
via Opera Pia 11a				  charmi@dist.unige.it Internet
16145 Genova					         i2unix!charmi     UUCP
Italia, CEE

		        Grapes, not strawberries!