[comp.lang.prolog] ICLP'91 Preconference Workshop

jmj@cwi.nl (Jacquet) (05/01/91)

			    Call For Participation

			   Preconference Workshop on


				June 24, 1991,
				Paris, France

   The construction of programs is in general a quite complicated task. Despite
their declarative appeal, logic programming languages do not allow a complete
declarative style of programming. Among the reasons are the introduction of
extra-logical features and the use of efficient search rules.  The situation is
even considered to be worse when concurrent languages are used since then
problems of interference, synchronization, deadlock and starvation are to be

   The workshop is intended to bring together researchers interested in the
construction of logic programs (either sequential or concurrent; based on pure
Horn clauses or on their extensions). More precisely, the emphasis will be on
the following topics:

       - constructive methods of logic programs,
       - proof methods of logic program properties,
       - logic program transformation, derivation and refinement schemes,
       - semantical characterizations of logic programs.

Reports on related topics are also invited.

   If you are interested in giving a presentation of your current research in
one of these topics, send a 3-5 page abstract or, better, a full paper before
May 15th. All the material related to the above topics and received before that
date will be published in informal proceedings and distributed to the
participants. A selection of the submitted papers will be made for
presentation; acceptance will be notified by June 5th.

   Those who are only interested in attending the workshop are welcome too.
They are kindly requested to send their postal and (if available) electronic
addresses as soon as possible.

   All submissions and information requests should be sent to:

   J.-M. Jacquet
   C.W.I., Kruislaan, 413
   1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
   Email: jmj@cwi.nl
   Tel: +31 (20) 592 4074
   Fax: +31 (20) 592 4199

   Important dates:

   Deadline for paper submission: May 15th
   Notification for acceptance of presentation: June 5th

   Yours Sincerely,

   J.-M. Jacquet 
   (Workshop organizer)

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{\large \bf Call For Participation}
\\ \vspace{0.75ex}
{\large \bf ICLP\'{ }91 Preconference Workshop on}
\\ \vspace{2ex}
{\LARGE \bf Constructing Logic Programs}
\\ \vspace{2ex}
{\large \bf June 24, 1991}
\\ \vspace{0.75ex}
{\large \bf Paris, France}



The construction of programs is in general a quite complicated task. Despite
their declarative appeal, logic programming languages do not allow a complete
declarative style of programming. Among the reasons are the
introduction of extra-logical features and the use of efficient search rules.
The situation is even considered to be worse when concurrent languages are used
since then problems of interference, synchronization, deadlock and starvation
are to be feared.

The workshop is intended to bring together researchers interested in the
construction of logic programs (either sequential or concurrent; based on pure
Horn clauses or on their extensions). More precisely, the emphasis will be on
the following topics:


{\em constructive methods of logic programs,}

{\em proof methods of logic program properties,}

{\em logic program transformation, derivation and refinement schemes,}

{\em semantical characterizations of logic programs.}

Reports on related topics are also invited.

If you are interested in giving a presentation of your current research in one
of these topics, send a 3-5 page abstract or, better, a full paper before {\em
May 15th}. All the material related to the above topics and received before
that date will be published in informal proceedings and distributed to the
participants. A selection of the submitted papers will be made for
presentation; acceptance will be notified by {\em June 5th}.

Those who are only interested in attending the workshop are welcome too. They
are kindly requested to send their postal and (if available) electronic
addresses as soon as possible.

All submissions and information requests should be sent to:

J.-M. Jacquet

Kruislaan, 413

1098 SJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

Email: jmj@cwi.nl

Tel: +31 (20) 592 4074

Fax: +31 (20) 592 4199



{\bf Important dates:} & Deadline for paper submission: May 15th \\
\mbox{ } & Notification for acceptance of presentation: June 5th



jmj@cwi.nl (Jacquet) (06/14/91)

			    Program of the
		  ICLP'91 Preconference Workshop on
			    June 24, 1991,
			    Paris, France

8:00 Shuttle to INRIA (from place Charles de Gaulle - Etoile)

9:00 -- 10:45 : Session I

     Generating Simplification Lemmas using Extended Prolog Execution
     and Proof-extraction
        Laurent Fribourg,
        L.I.E.N.S., France.

     Schema-Guided Synthesis of Logic Programs,
        Pierre Flener, Yves Deville,
        Universite de Namur, Belgium

     Contributions to the Semantics of Open Logic Programs,
        Annalisa Bossi, Universita di Padova, Italy,
        Maurizio Gabbrielli, Giorgio Levi, Maria Chiara Meo,
        Universita di Pisa, Italy.

     A Note on Making Explicit Design Decisions,
        Jan Komorowski,
        The University of Trondheim, Norway.

10:45 -- 11:00 : Break

11:00 -- 12:45 : Session II

     Verification of Logic Programs and Imperative Programs,
        Lee Naish,
        University of Melbourne, Australia.

     Proving Universal Termination of a Logic Program,
        Annalisa Bossi, Nicoletta Cocco, M. Fabris,
        Universita di Padova, Italy.

     A semantic Approach to Prolog Program Analysis,
        Brian J. Ross,
        University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

     Theory Construction in Computational Logic,
        Antonio Brogi, Paolo Mancarella, Dino Pedreschi, Franco
        Turini, Universita di Pisa, Italy.

13:00 -- 14:00 : Lunch Break

14:00 -- 15:45 : Session III

     Refinement Strategies for Inductive Learning of Simple Prolog
        Marc Kirschenbaum, John Carroll University, U.S.A.,
        Leon S. Sterling, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

     A Transformational Approach to Functional Requirements
        Naji Habra, Universite de Namur, Belgium,
        Axel van Lamsweerde, Universite Catholique de Louvain,

     Deriving Logic Progrmas from Observations,
        David Gilbert, City University of London, United Kingdom,
        Christopher Hogger, Imperial College, United Kingdom.

     The Synthesis of Logic Programs from Inductive Proofs,
        Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill, Geraint Wiggins,
        University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

15:45 -- 16:00 : Break

16:00 -- 17:45 : Session IV

     Comparative Semantics of a Backtrackable Rendez-vous,
        Anton Eliens,
        Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands.

     Nonstandard Answers of Elementary Logic Programs,
        Paul Tarau, Universite de Moncton, Canada,
        Michel Boyer, Universite de Montreal, Canada.

     Some Algorithms for Fast and Complete Execution of Logic
        Roland Olsson,
        University of Molde, Norway.

     Negation Expansion and Query Answering,
        Kanchana Kanchanasut, Peter Stuckey,
        University of Melbourne, Australia.

18:00 : Shuttle to place Charles de Gaulle -- Etoile


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\oddsidemargin 9 mm                          % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt}
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{\Large \bf Program of the}
\\ \vspace{0.75ex}
{\Large \bf ICLP\'{ }91 Preconference Workshop on}
\\ \vspace{2ex}
{\huge \bf Constructing Logic Programs}
\\ \vspace{2ex}
{\Large \bf June 24, 1991, Paris, France}



{\large \bf 8:00 Shuttle to INRIA (from place Charles de Gaulle - Etoile)}

{\large \bf 9:00 -- 10:45 : Session I}


     {\em Generating Simplification Lemmas using Extended Prolog Execution and
     \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Laurent Fribourg,
        L.I.E.N.S., France.

     {\em Schema-Guided Synthesis of Logic Programs},
     \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Pierre Flener, Yves Deville,
        Universit\'{e} de Namur, Belgium

     {\em Contributions to the Semantics of Open Logic Programs},
     \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Annalisa Bossi, Universita d\`{\i} Padova, Italy,
     \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Maurizio Gabbrielli, Giorgio Levi, Maria Chiara Meo, 
        Universita d\`{\i} Pisa, Italy.

     {\em A Note on Making Explicit Design Decisions},
     \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Jan Komorowski,
        The University of Trondheim, Norway.


{\large \bf 10:45 -- 11:00 : Break}

{\large \bf 11:00 -- 12:45 : Session II}


     {\em Verification of Logic Programs and Imperative Programs,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Lee Naish,
        University of Melbourne, Australia.

     {\em Proving Universal Termination of a Logic Program,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Annalisa Bossi, Nicoletta Cocco, Maurizio Fabris,
        Universita d\`{\i} Padova, Italy.

     {\em A semantic Approach to Prolog Program Analysis,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Brian J. Ross,
        University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

     {\em Theory Construction in Computational Logic,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Antonio Brogi, Paolo Mancarella, Dino Pedreschi, Franco Turini,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Universita d\`{\i} Pisa, Italy.


{\large \bf 13:00 -- 14:00 : Lunch Break}

{\large \bf 14:00 -- 15:45 : Session III}


     {\em Refinement Strategies for Inductive Learning of Simple Prolog 
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Marc Kirschenbaum, John Carroll University, U.S.A.,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Leon S. Sterling, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

     {\em A Transformational Approach to Functional Requirements Prototyping,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Naji Habra, Universit\'{e} de Namur, Belgium,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Axel van Lamsweerde, Universit\'{e} Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

     {\em Deriving Logic Programs from Observations,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        David Gilbert, City University of London, United Kingdom,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Christopher Hogger, Imperial College, United Kingdom.

     {\em The Synthesis of Logic Programs from Inductive Proofs,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill, Geraint Wiggins, Ina Kraan,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.       

{\large \bf 15:45 -- 16:00 : Break}

{\large \bf 16:00 -- 17:45 : Session IV}


     {\em Comparative Semantics of a Backtrackable Rendez-vous,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Anton Eliens, 
        Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands.

     {\em Nonstandard Answers of Elementary Logic Programs,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Paul Tarau, Universit\'{e} de Moncton, Canada,
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Michel Boyer, Universit\'{e} de Montreal, Canada. 

     {\em Some Algorithms for Fast and Complete Execution of Logic Programs,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Roland Olsson,
        University of Molde, Norway.

     {\em Negation Expansion and Query Answering,}
        \\ \hspace*{4ex}
        Kanchana Kanchanasut, Peter Stuckey,
        University of Melbourne, Australia.


{\large \bf 18:00 : Shuttle to place Charles de Gaulle -- Etoile}
