(Arvind Kumar Bansal) (06/27/91)
PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT ------------------------------- ILPS91 - 1991 INTERNATIONAL LOGIC PROGRAMMING SYMPOSIUM ----------------------------------------------------- San Diego, California, USA Symposium: October 28 - October 31 AM, 1991, Workshops: October 31 PM - November 1, 1991. Dear Colleague: Thank you for your help with the ``Call for Papers". We received a very good collection of research contributions from all over the world. This is the first program announcement of the International Logic Programming Symposium (ILPS91) and ten post-symposium workshops. The information consists of latexable versions of the ``Preliminary Program Announcement'', the ``Registration Form'', the ``Accommodation Reservation Form''. Please feel free to use the registration form and the hotel accomodation form for their intended purpose. I will again ask you to distribute the announcement to your fellow colleagues as we are unaware of all the e-mail and postal addresses. Please post the printed version on the department notice boards and circulate the mail electronically. We have been making a continuous effort to update our list of addresses. However, we understand the limitations of such effort. We will need your help to make the symposium a success and a stimulating site of discussion for research findings. Please note that the symposium will also have a poster session (contact: Leon Sterling, and exhibits of the new products and books in the field of Logic Programming. Participation in poster sessions and workshops is still open. For the workshops entries, please contact the respective workshop organizers whose e-mail addresses are given in the preliminary program announcement. If you are an ALP member, one of the authors, or recipient of previous call for papers by post then you are on our mailing list and you will also receive updated material by post. If you are not in the above list and you are considering attending the symposium please send your e-mail address and/or postal address by e-mail to (before July 4, 1991) and to ensure future communications. With best regards, --Arvind PS: The sequence of the enclosed material is as follows: ``Preliminary Program Announcement", `` Registration Form", and ``accommodation Reservation form". You have to separate each announcement and latex them individually. The Preliminary Program Announcement is preceded by %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PPA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Registration form is preceded by %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Registration Form %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Hotel accommodation Form is preceded by %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Accommodation Form%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Tex starts here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PPA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textwidth 6.5in \textheight 9.0in \topmargin -0.5in \oddsidemargin 0in \evensidemargin 0in \begin{document} \def\leftline#1{\hbox to\hsize{#1\hss}\nobreak} \def\centerline#1{\hbox to\hsize{\hss#1\hss}\nobreak} % \hsize=6.5truein % \vsize=9.0truein \raggedbottom % \font\Bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.4pt % \font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 12pt \parindent=0pt \newskip\parskipamount \parskipamount=6pt \parskip=\parskipamount \def\paper#1#2{\noindent\vbox{\parskip=0pt \strut {\it #2}\par\hangindent20pt\hangafter0 #1}} \def\workshop#1#2#3#4#5{\hangindent35pt\noindent \hbox to35pt{{\bf #1:}\hfil}{\bf #2}\hfil\break #3\hfil\break #4\par\hangindent35pt\hangafter0 {\sl #5}} \vbox{} \vfill \centerline{\Large\bf\strut Preliminary${}^\dagger$ Program Announcement} \vfill \centerline{\LARGE\bf\strut ILPS91} \bigskip \centerline{\Large\bf\strut 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium} \bigskip\bigskip \centerline{\large\bf\strut San Diego, California, U. S. A.} \bigskip \centerline{\large\bf\strut Symposium: October 28 -- October 31, 1991} \smallskip \centerline{\large\bf\strut Workshops: October 31 -- November 1, 1991} \vfill \centerline{\large\strut Sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming.} \smallskip \centerline{\large\strut In cooperation with ACM SIGACT, SIGPLAN, SIGART, SIGMOD,} \smallskip \centerline{\large\strut IEEE Computer Society, and AAAI.} \vfill\vfill {\large\it\strut $^\dagger$ A preliminary program for ICLP'91 participants. A full version with a timetable will be distributed in July 1991.\strut} \eject \leftline{\Large\bf\strut Preface} \medskip The 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium\footnote{Previously called the North American Conference on Logic Programming.} will be held at the San Diego Princess Resort Hotel from October 28--November 1, 1991. Sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming (ALP), it is one of the two major annual conferences on logic programming. This year it is being held in cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Originating in the early seventies in the investigation of computational subsets of first-order logic, logic programming took hold with the development of efficient implementations of Prolog in the late seventies. The steady growth and development of the field since then has established the simplicity, power and elegance of this approach to computation. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in logic programming in fields ranging from artificial intelligence, programming languages and databases to theoretical computer science. Indeed, arising from logic programming and related areas, exciting new areas of intellectual inquiry are emerging in the interaction of concurrency, logic, constraints, algorithms and parallel processing, with the promise and potential of having a lasting impact on computer science. To further nurture the development of such areas, a major goal of this symposium is to promote technical interaction between logic programming and neighboring fields, including artificial intelligence, logic, databases and theoretical computer science. This is reflected in the panel of activities scheduled for the symposium. Of the 192 papers submitted to the symposium from researchers world-wide, 44 have been selected for presentation at the symposium. In addition, the symposium features a keynote speech by Robert Constable (Cornell Univ.), a dinner speech by Pat Hayes (MCC), and other invited talks by Vladimir Lifschitz (Univ.\ of Texas at Austin), Koichi Furukawa (ICOT) and Johan van Benthem (Univ.\ of Amsterdam). Several advanced tutorials on emerging areas are also being organized. A special poster session specifically designed to foster presentation of material on applications will also be held. The main body of the symposium will be rounded off by a panel discussion, chaired by Jean-Louis Lassez (IBM Hawthorne), on the connection between logic programming and neighboring fields. The symposium will be followed by ten post-symposium advanced workshops. \vfill\eject \leftline{\Large\bf\strut SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM \normalsize\bf (detailed timetable to be announced)} \bigskip \leftline{\large\bf\strut Monday, October 28 -- Thursday, October 31, AM} \medskip {\large\bf\strut Keynote Speaker} Robert L. Constable, Cornell University, USA\hfill\break {\it ``Logic Programming in Constructive Type Theory''} \medskip {\large\bf\strut Banquet Speaker} Patrick J. Hayes, MCC, USA \medskip {\large\bf\strut Invited Speakers} Koichi Furukawa (ICOT, Japan)\hfill\break {\it ``The Fifth Generation Computer Project: Towards Large-scale Knowledge Information Processing''} Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin, USA)\hfill\break {\it ``Between Prolog and Default Logic''} Johan F.~A.~K.~van Benthem (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)\hfill\break {\it ``Reasoning and Programming: Three Analogies between Logic and Computation"} \medskip {\large\bf\strut Advanced Tutorials} \paper{Teodor C. Przymusinski (Univ.\ of California at Riverside)}% {Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming} \paper{Stuart M. Shieber (Harvard Univ.)}% {Constraints and Natural-Language Analysis} \paper{Ian T. Foster (Argonn National Lab.), Carl Kesselman (CalTech), Stephen Taylor (CalTech)}% {Using Compositional Programming to Write Portable, High Performance Parallel Programs} \paper{(Instructor to be announced)}% {Linear Logic} \medskip {\large\bf\strut Technical Papers} (to be presented in two parallel sessions) \paper{Taisuke Sato, Fumio Motoyoshi}% {A Complete Top-down Interpreter for First Order Programs} \paper{David W. Reed, Donald W. Loveland, Bruce T. Smith}% {An Alternative Characterization of Disjunctive Logic Programs} \paper{R. van der Meyden}% {A Clausal Logic for Deontic Action Specification} \paper{Laura Giordano, Alberto Martelli}% {A Modal Reconstruction of Blocks and Modules in Logic Programming} \paper{William W. Wadge}% {Higher-Order Horn Logic Programming} \paper{James Harland, David Pym}% {The Uniform Proof-Theoretic Foundation of Linear Logic Programming} \paper{P\'eter Szeredi}% {Using Dynamic Predicates in an Or-Parallel Prolog System} \paper{Scott Dietzen, Frank Pfenning}% {A Declarative Alternative to ``assert'' in Logic Programming} \paper{David B. Kemp, Peter J. Stuckey}% {Semantics of Logic Programs with Aggregates} \paper{Lutz Pl\"umer}% {Automatic Termination Proofs for Prolog Programs Operating on Nonground Terms} \paper{Yehoshua Sagiv}% {A Termination Test for Logic Programs} \paper{P. Deransart, G. Ferrand, M. T\'eguia}% {NSTO Programs (Not Subject To Occur-check)} \paper{Kung-Kiu Lau, Steven Prestwich}% {Synthesis of a Family of Recursive Sorting Procedures} \paper{Maurice Bruynooghe, Danny De Schreye, Bern Martens}% {A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding during Partial Deduction of Logic Programs} \paper{Tadashi Kawamura}% {Derivation of Efficient Logic Programs by Synthesizing New Predicates} \paper{Hideaki Nakayama}% {Program Transformation under the Principle of Proof as Program} \paper{Laurent Fribourg}% {Generating Simplification Lemmas Using Extended Prolog Execution and Proof-Extraction} \paper{Kish Shen, Manuel Hermenegildo}% {A Simulation Study of Or- and Independent And-parallelism} \paper{Gopal Gupta, V{\'\i}tor Santos Costa, Rong Yang, Manuel V. Hermenegildo}% {IDIOM: A Model Integrating Dependent-, Independent-, and Or-parallelism} \paper{Sverker Janson, Seif Haridi}% {Programming Paradigms of the Andorra Kernel Language} \paper{Ian Foster, William Winsborough}% {Copy Avoidance through Compile-Time Analysis and Local Reuse} \paper{Yasuo Hidaka, Hanpei Koike, Jun'ichi Tatemura, Hidehiko Tanaka}% {A Static Load Partitioning Method Based on Execution Profile for Committed-Choice Languages} \paper{H{\aa}kan Millroth}% {Reforming Compilation of Logic Programs} \paper{Bob Carpenter}% {Typed Feature Structures: a Generalization of First-order Terms} \paper{T. K. Lakshman, Uday S. Reddy}% {Typed Prolog: A Semantic Reconstruction of the Mycroft-O'Keefe Type System} \paper{Hubert Comon}% {Rewriting with Membership Constraints} \paper{Bruno De Backer, Henri Beringer}% {Intelligent Backtracking for CLP Languages: An Application to CLP({\cal R})} \paper{Niels J{\o}rgensen, Kim Marriott, Spiro Michaylov}% {Some Global Compile-Time Optimizations for CLP({\cal R})} \paper{Yves Caseau}% {Abstract Interpretation of Constraints on Order-Sorted Domains} \paper{Christoph Brzoska}% {Temporal Logic Programming and its Relation to Constraint Logic Programming} \paper{Igor Mozeti{\v c}, Christian Holzbaur}% {Integrating Qualitative and Numerical Models within Constraint Logic Programming} \paper{Ugo Montanari, Francesca Rossi}% {True-Concurrency in Concurrent Constraint Programming} \paper{Andr\'e Mari\"en, Bart Demoen}% {A New Scheme for Unification in WAM} \paper{Christoph Beierle, Gregor Meyer, Heiner Semle}% {Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polymorphic Order-Sorted Resolution} \paper{Yosee Feldman, Ehud Shapiro}% {Temporal Debugging and its Visual Animation} \paper{Mireille Ducass\'e}% {Abstract Views of Prolog Executions in Opium} \paper{Erik Tid\'en}% {Experiences from a Large Industrial Circuit Design Application} \paper{Paul Strooper, Daniel Hoffman}% {Prolog and Software Testing} \paper{Melvin Fitting}% {Well-Founded Semantics, Generalized} \paper{A. C. Kakas, P. Mancarella}% {Stable Theories for Logic Programs} \paper{Raymond Ng, V. S. Subrahmanian}% {Relating Dempster-Shafer Theory to Stable Semantics} \paper{Lu{\'\i}s Moniz Pereira, Joaquim Nunes Apar{\'\i}cio, Jos\'e J\'ulio Alferes}% {Counterfactual Reasoning Based on Revising Assumptions} \paper{Raghu Ramakrishnan, S. Sudarshan}% {Top-Down vs.\ Bottom-Up Revisited} \paper{David Kemp, Divesh Srivastava, Peter J. Stuckey}% {Magic Sets and Bottom-Up Evaluation of Well-Founded Models} \bigskip\bigskip \leftline{\Large\bf\strut WORKSHOPS\ \normalsize\bf (detailed timetable to be announced)} \bigskip \leftline{\large\bf\strut Thursday, October 31, PM -- Friday, November 1} \medskip {\bf The workshops will run in five parallel sessions.} \workshop{W1}% {Application of Logic Programming in Genetic Sequence Analysis}% {Organizers: R. Overbeek, D. Searls, C. Smith, K. Yoshida}% {Contact: Ross Overbeek (}% {The workshop will focus on using logic programming for applications related to genetic sequence analysis. These include: (a) maintenance of biological databases, and (b) tools supporting genetic sequence analysis.} \workshop{W2}% {Compilation of Symbolic Languages for Parallel Computers}% {Organizers: I. Foster, E. Tick}% {Contact: Ian Foster (}% {This workshop is intended to bring together researchers working on the compilation of logic, functional and procedural languages for parallel computers. Emphasis is placed on compiler techniques such as static analysis and restructuring.} \workshop{W3}% {Computer Architectures for Programming with Logic}% {Organizer: J. Mills}% {Contact: Jonathan Mills (}% {The workshop will focus on abstract and implemented computer architectures which support programming with logic as a computational paradigm.} \workshop{W4}% {Deductive Databases}% {Organizers: L. Lakshmanan, F. Bry, E. Chan, H. Hernandez, A. Mendelzon}% {Contact: Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (}% {This workshop will focus on different aspects of deductive databases and logic programming. Topics include query languages, optimization, updates, temporal, quantitative, and probabilistic aspects, constraints, negation, OO features, applications, and implementations.} \workshop{W5}% {Defeasible Reasoning and Constraint Solving}% {Organizers: P. Codognet, C. Codognet}% {Contact: Philippe Codognet (}% {The workshop will focus on all aspects of defeasible reasoning and defeasible constraint solving. The problem of efficient incremental computation in non-deterministic systems will be addressed. Topics include: (a) incremental, disjunctive, hierarchical constraint solving (b) abduction, truth maintenance systems (c) intelligent backtracking and search algorithms.} \workshop{W6}% {Disjunctive Logic Programs}% {Organizers: D. Loveland, J. Lobo, A. Rajasekar}% {Contact: Arcot Rajasekar (}% {The aim is to bring together researchers active in the area of disjunctive logic programming and related fields involving reasoning with indefinite and incomplete information such as disjunctive databases, disjunctive default theory, modal logic for disjunctions, knowledge bases, learning and other areas.} \workshop{W7}% {Expert Systems and AI Applications}% {Organizers: L. Sterling, U. Yalcinalp.}% {Contact: Umit Yalcinalp (}% {The organizers solicit papers discussing the use of logic programming languages for large scale AI applications, specific expert systems, shells, tools and environments for expert systems, embedded languages, and user interfaces.} \workshop{W8}% {Implementation of Parallel Logic Programming Systems}% {Organizers: G. Gupta, S. Janson}% {Contact: Gopal Gupta (}% {The workshop will focus on implementation issues of parallel logic programming systems. Particular emphasis will be placed on issues related to the Andorra Principle. Suitable topics include: (combinations of) and-, or-, and stream-parallelism, multiprocessor implementations, language issues, experiences with implementations, compile time analysis, and scheduling/granularity-analysis.} \workshop{W9}% {Language Issues in Logic Programming}% {Organizers: H. A{\"\i}t-Kaci, J. Jaffar, B. Jayaraman, D. Miller, G. Nadathur}% {Contact: Bharat Jayaraman (}% {Papers on language issues in any area of logic programming and having as primary motivation ``improved software structuring'' are solicited. Topics include types, modules, inheritance, higher-order programming, etc.} \workshop{W10}% {Semantic Models for Asynchronous Communication}% {Organizers: P. Panangaden, J.N. Kok, F.S. de Boer}% {Contacts: Prakash Panangaden (,\hfill\break \hphantom{Contents: }Joost Kok (}% {Recent work on asynchronous communication in a variety of settings has shown remarkable progress. We plan to discuss the relationship between different semantic models that have arisen in theories of asynchrony. } \vfill\eject \leftline{\large\bf\strut EVENTS} All technical and social events will be held at the San Diego Princess Resort Hotel. There will be a welcoming Cocktail Reception from 6pm--8pm on Sunday, October 27 in the Island Sun Room. The registration desk will be open in the Island Foyer from 4pm on Sunday and will remain open throughout the symposium. The banquet will start at 7pm on Wednesday, October 30 at the main pool. A limited number of extra banquet tickets will be available at the standard price, and can be purchased from the registration desk. The planned event is an open air Hawaiian Luau to be held at the main pool, weather permitting. Exhibits will be held throughout the symposium. Lunches will be provided in the Pacific Foyer. Optional trips to local tourist areas will be provided if numbers permit. \bigskip\medskip \leftline{\large\bf\strut SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION} The regular registration fee includes one copy of the proceedings, a reception, three lunches during the first three days of the symposium, six coffee breaks, and a banquet. Small additional fees will be charged for attending the workshops following the symposium. Student registration includes all of the above except the banquet which can optionally be included. Registrations postmarked prior to midnight September 27 will receive the early registration discount rate. Written confirmation for registrations after September 27 will not be guaranteed. Refund requests will be honored with a 10\% handling charge. All the members of AAAI, ACM, ALP (Association for Logic Programming), IEEE, SIGACT, SIGART, SIGMOD, and SIGPLAN will receive a discount rate. Symposium non-registrants can attend the workshops by paying slightly extra on a per-day basis. Please fill in the attached symposium/workshops registration form and send to Ms.\ Valerie Aylett, Registration Secretary. \bigskip\medskip \leftline{\large\bf\strut ACCOMMODATION} \medskip \leftline{\bf About the Place} San Diego County, situated on the Mexico and California border, is the nation's seventh largest with a population over two million. San Diego City is California's second largest, second to Los Angeles. Each year, San Diego attracts thousands of visitors who are drawn by the climate: sunny, dry, and warm nearly year-round. They swim, surf, and sunbathe on long beaches facing the turquoise Pacific. San Diego is famous for its theme parks and specialized museums. Sea World, San Diego Zoo (country's finest zoological/botanical park), Wild Animal Park, and Balboa Park are must-see attractions. \bigskip \leftline{\bf Hotel Information} The symposium will be held at the San Diego Princess Resort Hotel, 1404 West Vacation Road, San Diego, California, 92109-7994. The Princess has a spacious beach front setting in San Diego's Mission Bay. Accommodation is in single-level cottage-style suites located at the beach front. The hotel forms a peninsula covered with beaches, lagoons, and tropical flowers. The climate, in general, is warm all year round; however, warm evening wear is required. The hotel is located 10 minutes from downtown San Diego and the international airport. Tourist areas, including Sea World, Balboa Park, and Tijuana---a colorful border town with Mexico, are all within convenient traveling distance. \bigskip \leftline{\bf Hotel Reservations} A block of rooms is being held from Sunday, October 27 until Thursday October 31st, 1991 at a very special symposium rate for ILPS91. The room rate will also be valid for three days prior to and following the symposium. Students can reduce the accomodation rate by requesting sharing facility (contact: Pascal Van Hentenryck, To make reservations, please use the attached accommodation reservation form, or call the Princess Resort Hotel at 1.800.344.2626 (from USA) or +1.619.274.4630 (elsewhere) and be sure to mention ILPS91. Please see the hotel reservation form for more information. Reservations received after the cutoff date of October 1 or after the room block is filled are subject to limited availability and may not be available at the group rate. If rooms run out, extra rooms might be found nearby at: \noindent\vbox{\moveright20pt \vbox{\halign{#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Hyatt Islandia& (Phone: +1.619.224.1234, FAX: +1.619.224.0348),\cr San Diego Hilton& (Phone: +1.619.276.4010, FAX: +1.619.275.7991),\cr Bahia Resort Hotel& (Phone: +1.619.488.0551, FAX: +1.619.488.1512),\cr Dana Inn and Marina& (Phone: +1.619.222.6440, FAX: +1.619.222.5916).\cr}}} \bigskip\medskip \leftline{\large\bf\strut TRAVEL} American Airlines (+1.619.232.4051) has been designated as the official airlines of ILPS91. Special discount fares have been arranged for the participants on American Airlines. For US domestic service, you can save 45\% off the regular coach fare {\it or} 5\% off excursion fares on American Airlines. (Please note that restrictions and penalties may apply.) The travel agent is: \noindent\vbox{\moveright20pt\vbox{\halign{#\hfil\cr Vee Cruz\cr Voyager Travel Service\cr 714 E. Colorado Blvd.\cr Pasadena, CA 91101\cr Phone: 1.800.535.9833\cr}}} Other airlines which serve San Diego are: \noindent\vbox{\moveright20pt \vbox{\halign{#\hfil\ &#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\ &#\hfil\cr Alaska Airlines& (1.800.426.0333),& America West& (+1.619.560.0727),\cr British Airways& (1.800.AIRWAYS),& Continental& (1.800.525.0280),\cr Delta& (+1.619.235.4344),& Northwest& (+1.619.239.0488),\cr PanAm& (1.800.221.1111),& Skywest& (1.800.453.9417),\cr Southwest& (+1.619.232.1221),& TWA& (+1.619.295.7009),\cr United& (+1.619.234.7171),& USAir& (1.800.428.4322).\cr}}} \bigskip \leftline{\bf Transportation to the Hotel} There is a Super Shuttle telephone in the baggage area of San Diego Airport. The pick up area is close to the arrival area. Super Shuttle currently charges \$8 fare to the hotel. \leftline{\bf Directions from the Airport} San Diego Freeway 5 (I-5) to Sea World Dr.; pass main entrance to Sea World, turn right into Ingraham street. On the second traffic light turn left into West Vacation Drive which is the resort's entrance. \bigskip \leftline{\bf Weather} Casual clothing during the day and warm clothing for the evening is suggested. The weather is generally warm (average maximum around $70^\circ$F or $21^\circ$C) during the day and cold in the evening (average minimum around $50^\circ$F or $11^\circ$C). Heated pools are available for swimming. \bigskip\bigskip\medskip \leftline{\Large\bf\strut ORGANIZATION} \bigskip \vbox{\halign{#\hfil&#\hfil\cr {\large\bf Conference Chair}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Ken Kahn, {\it Xerox PARC}\span\cr 3333 Coyote Hill Road\span\cr Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA\span\cr E-mail:&\cr Phone:& +1.415.494.4390 (+1.415.812.4390 after Sept.\ 22)\cr Fax:& +1.415.494.4334 (+1.415.812.4334 after Sept.\ 22)\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Local Arrangements Chair}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Steve Taylor, {\it CalTech, USA}\span\cr E-mail:\span\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Workshop Coordinator}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Kim Marriott, {\it IBM Hawthorne, USA}\span\cr E-mail:\span\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Poster Session Chair}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Leon Sterling, {\it Case Western Reserve Univ., USA}\span\cr E-mail:\span\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Publicity Chair}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Arvind Bansal, {\it Kent State Univ., USA}\span\cr % Phone: &+1.216.672.2195\cr % Fax: &+1.216.672.7824\cr E-mail:\span\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Registration Secretary}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Ms. Valerie Aylett (Administrative Assistant)\span\cr UCLA Computer Science Department\span\cr 3532-K Boelter Hall\span\cr Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596\span\cr E-mail:\span\cr Phone: &+1.213.825.2303\cr Fax: &+1.213.825.2273 (call or e-mail first)\cr}} \vbox{\halign{#\hfil&\quad #\hfil\cr {\large\bf Program Committee}\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Hassan A{\"\i}t-Kaci& {\it DEC PRL, France}\cr Catriel Beeri& {\it Hebrew Univ., Israel}\cr Mats Carlsson& {\it SICS, Sweden}\cr Johan de Kleer& {\it Xerox PARC, USA}\cr Atsuhiro Goto& {\it NTT, Japan}\cr Ken Kahn& {\it Xerox PARC, USA}\cr Deepak Kapur& {\it SUNY (Albany), USA}\cr Michael Kifer& {\it SUNY (Stony Brook), USA}\cr Alan Mackworth& {\it Univ.\ of British Columbia, Canada}\cr Michael Maher& {\it IBM Hawthorne, USA}\cr Ugo Montanari& {\it Univ.\ of Pisa, Italy}\cr Gopalan Nadathur& {\it Duke Univ., USA}\cr Shamim Naqvi& {\it Bellcore, USA}\cr Stanley Peters& {\it CSLI, USA}\cr David Plaisted& {\it Univ.\ of North Carolina, USA}\cr Gordon Plotkin& {\it Univ.\ of Edinburgh, UK}\cr Teodor Przymusinski& {\it Univ.\ of California (Riverside), USA}\cr Harald S{\o}ndergaard& {\it Univ.\ of Melbourne, Australia}\cr Evan Tick& {\it Univ.\ of Oregon, USA}\cr Allen Van Gelder& {\it Univ.\ of California (Santa Cruz), USA}\cr Pascal Van Hentenryck& {\it Brown Univ., USA}\cr David H.D.Warren& {\it Univ.\ of Bristol, UK}\cr \noalign{\medskip\smallskip} {\large\bf Program Committee Chairs}\span\cr \noalign{\smallskip} Vijay Saraswat& {\it Xerox PARC, USA}\cr Kazunori Ueda& {\it ICOT, Japan}\cr \noalign{\medskip}}} \vfill\eject \end{document} \end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Registration Form %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{letter} \pagestyle{empty} \oddsidemargin -0.4in \evensidemargin -0.6in \headsep -1.0in \footskip -0.3in \textwidth 7.0in \textheight 9.7in \topskip -0.6in \begin{document} \def\ul{\vrule width0pt height0pt depth 2pt} \begin{center} \underline{\large{\bf Symposium/Workshops Registration Form}} \Large{\bf ILPS91 - 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium} \large {\bf San Diego, California, USA}\\ {\bf Symposium: October 28 - October 31, 1991}\\ {\bf Workshops: ~October 31 - November 1, 1991} \end{center} \normalsize Please return this form and full payment in U.S. dollars to: \begin{center} \parbox{4.0in}{ Ms. Valerie Aylett (Administrative Assistant)\\ UCLA Computer Science Department\\ 3532-K Boelter Hall, \\ Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596, USA\\[6pt] Work phone: +1.213.825.2303, Email:\\ Fax: +1.213.825.2273 (call or e-mail first)} \end{center} All the members of ALP, ACM, AAAI, IEEE, SIGACT, SIGART, SIGMOD, and SIGPLAN get the discount for members. {\em Members please include the membership-organization and membership number. Students please attach a photocopy of the student card}. \begin{center} {\bf \underline{Personal Information\ul} (please print)} \end{center} {\bf Name:} \hrulefill\\ \hbox{} \hfill \raisebox{1.6ex}{Last} \hfill \raisebox{1.6ex}{First} \hfill \raisebox{1.6ex} {Middle} \hfill {\bf Membership-organization:} \hrulefill {\bf Membership-number:} \hrulefill {\bf Student:} Yes \rule{.25in}{.02in} No \rule{.25in}{.02in} {\bf Student identification:} \hrulefill {\bf Affiliation:} \hrulefill {\bf Address:} \hrulefill {\bf City:} \hrulefill {\bf State:} \hrulefill {\bf Country:} \hrulefill {\bf ZIP/Postal code:} \hrulefill {\bf FAX:} \hrulefill {\bf Phone:} \hrulefill {\bf E-mail:} \hrulefill {\bf Dietary restriction:} Kosher \rule{.4in}{.02in} Vegetarian \rule{.4in}{.02in} Yuppie \rule{.4in}{.02in} {\bf Payment:} In the U.S., you may send a money order, bank check, or personal check. In Canada, you may send an international money order or a bank check in U.S. dollars. No Canadian currency will be accepted. Outside the U.S. and Canada, payment will be accepted by international money order only, in U.S. dollars. Make your checks payable to ``ILPS91". {\bf Please circle the relevant items below and fill in the number of days (1 or 2) you will be attending the workshops.} \begin{tabular}{lll}\\ \hline Category of Registrant & Early Fee & Late Fee (after 9/27)\\ \hline Members & US \$ 315 & US \$ 355\\ Non-Member & US \$ 350 & US \$ 390\\ Students & US \$ 175 & US \$ 215\\ Banquet (included for non-students) & US \$ ~50 & US \$ ~50\\ Workshops (registrants): & US \$ ~25 (each day) $\times$ \rule{.25in}{.01in} day(s) & US \$ ~25 (each day) $\times$ \rule{.25in}{.01in} day(s)\\ Workshops (non-registrants): & US \$ ~50 (each day) $\times$ \rule{.25in}{.01in} day(s)& US \$ ~50 (each day) $\times$ \rule{.25in}{.01in} day(s)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vskip 0.1in {\bf Total Payment: US \$} \rule{1.0in}{.02in} {\bf Cheque/Money order number:} \hrulefill \vskip 0.2in {\bf Signature:}\hrulefill {\bf Date:} \hrulefill \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Accommodation Reservation Form%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{letter} \oddsidemargin -0.4in \evensidemargin -0.6in \pagestyle{empty} \headsep -1.0in \flushbottom \footskip -0.5in \topskip -0.6in \textwidth 7.2in \textheight 9.8in \begin{document} \def\ul{\vrule width0pt height0pt depth 2pt} \begin{center} \underline{\large{\bf Accommodation Reservation Form\ul}} \Large{\bf ILPS91 - 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium} \large {\bf San Diego, California, USA}\\ {\bf Symposium: October 28 - October 31, 1991}\\ {\bf Workshops: ~October 31 - November 1, 1991} \end{center} \normalsize To make reservations by mail, fill in the form below and send to: \begin{picture}(460, 110)(-40, -60) \put(0, 0){\parbox{2.5in}{\underline{Normal registrants}\\[8pt] Reservations Department\\ San Diego Princess Resort Hotel\\ 1404 West Vacation Road \\ San Diego, California 92109-7994, USA\\ Phone(USA): +1.800.344.2626\\ Phone(others): +1.619.274.4630\\ FAX: +1.619.581.5929}} \put(260, 0){\parbox{3.4in}{\underline{Students needing help with room sharing}\\[8pt] Prof. Pascal van Hentenryck\\ Department of Computer Science, \\ Brown University, Box 1910\\ Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA\\ Email:\\ Phone: +1.401.863.7634\\FAX: +1.401.863.7657}} \end{picture} {\bf Reservation:} {\em Reservations requested beyond the cut off date of October 1, 1991 or after the room block is filled might not be available}. Check-out time is 12 noon and check-in time is 4 PM. Early arrivals will be accommodated if the rooms are available. Students needing help with room sharing should contact Pascal for \underline{reduced rates\ul} and send the request by September 25, 1991. Please advise the hotel of late arrival. {\bf Payment:} Payment can be made by credit cards, checks, or international money order. Make your checks payable to ``San Diego Princess Resort Hotel". The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Diners Club, Mastercard, and Visa. \underline{Please do not forget the expiration date and signature}. {\em The hotel requires your formal authorization, one night's deposit, and all applicable taxes in full before honoring your request}. Payment must be made in US dollars only. An additional 9 \% city tax should be included in your payment. Deposits will be refunded if the hotel is notified at least two days before your specified arrival. \underline{{\bf Room pricing {\rm (per day, in US \$)}:}} (please add an additional 9 \% city tax.) {\bf Single or Double {\rm (\underline{students only} without help with room sharing)}:} \$ 100 (limited number)\\ {\bf Single or Double:} \$ 115 \hfill {\bf Triple:} \$ 130 \hfill {\bf Quad:} \$ 145 \hfill {\bf Studio Suites:} \$ 225 \hfill {\bf One Bedroom Suites:} \$ 275 \begin{center} {\bf \underline {Personal Information\ul} (please print)} \end{center} {\bf Name:} \hrulefill\\ \hbox{}\hfill \raisebox{1ex}{Last} \hfill \raisebox{1ex}{First} \hfill \raisebox{1ex}{Middle} {\bf Address:} \hrulefill {\bf City:} \hrulefill {\bf State:} \hrulefill {\bf Country:} \hrulefill {\bf Zip/Postal code:} \hrulefill {\bf FAX:} \hrulefill {\bf E-mail:} \hrulefill {\bf Phone:} \hrulefill {\bf Arrival date\&time:} \hrulefill\hrulefill\hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Departure date\&time:} \hrulefill\hrulefill\hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Number of nights:} \hrulefill {\bf Room type:} \hrulefill {\bf Student:}\hspace*{0.1in} \raisebox{-.2ex}{\LARGE $\Box$} \hspace*{0.2in} \normalsize {\bf Need help with room sharing {\rm (students only)}:} Yes \rule{.25in}{.01in}/ No \rule{.25in}{.01in} \hspace*{0.1in} {\bf Sharing room with:} \hrulefill {\bf Mode of payment:} \hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Cheque/M.O. number {\rm (if used)}:} \hrulefill\hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Amount: US \$}\hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Exact name on credit card {\rm (if used)}:} \hrulefill {\bf Credit card type:} \hrulefill {\bf Card number:} \hrulefill\hrulefill {\bf Expires:} \hrulefill I authorize the San Diego Princess Resort Hotel to charge my account for one night's deposit and all applicable taxes. \vskip 0.05in {\bf Signature:} \hrulefill {\bf Date:} \hrulefill \end{document}