[comp.lang.ada] Ada system for Mac

Clifford.Huff@SEI.CMU.EDU.UUCP (06/17/87)

Relating to the question about Ada and the Mac II.  Today's Infomac V5
#103 had these posts which provide some useful infomation.

Cliff Huff
Software Engineering Institute


> Is there an Ada compiler for the Macintosh II?

Alsys corp of France signed a contract with Apple Computer about a
month ago to produce its validated Ada on a card for the Macintosh II.
Info can be obtained from Mr. Robert Dawson, Apple's USAF Military
marketing manager in Reston, Virginia.


Date: 15 Jun 1987 02:03:07 PDT
Subject: Ada and the Macintosh
From: Edward V. Berard <EBERARD@ADA20.ISI.EDU>

Currently, there are a number of vendors who are developing Ada-related
products for the Apple Macintosh series of machines. These products include
compilers (for the Plus, SE, and the II) and software development tools.
[Those of you who think that "Ada is too big for the Mac," might be
surprised to learn that the third Ada compiler to be validated (Western
Digital/Gensoft, validated in August of 1983) required only 128K of memory
-- all the machine had.]

Apple itself is taking some steps towards an "Ada strategy." (See, e.g.,
Computer Systems News, June 1, 1987 issue.)

Our company, EVB Software Engineering, Inc., is developing a product called
"Ada MacHost." Ada MacHost is a software product which allows a software
engineer to create Ada applications on a host machine (e.g., a DEC VAX)
which can interact with the Macintosh environment. Ada MacHost appears to
the software engineer as a set of Ada packages.  These packages allow the
user to create and manipulate all the items in the Macintosh environment.
For example, from within an Ada application running on the VAX, the
software engineer can create a dialog window, display the dialog window on
the Mac, and respond to any interactions the user might have with that
dialog window (e.g., "pushing a radio button," or entering text).

Initially, Ada MacHost will be configured for the DEC VAX under VMS.
However, Ada MacHost will be ported to a number of other host systems,
based on demand. The first deliveries of Ada MAcHost are scheduled for the
fourth quarter of 1987.

If you want more information, or you wish to be considered for a beta test
site, please contact Roberta Visaggio at EVB.

   Ed Berard
   EVB Software Engineering, Inc.
   5320 Spectrum Drive
   Frederick, MD 21701
   (301) 695 - 6960
   ARPA: EBerard@Ada20.isi.edu

(r) Ada is a registered trademark of the U.S. government (AJPO)

P.S.: EVB Will be demonstrating Ada MacHost at AFCEA, June 16-18, in
Washington, D.C. See us at the Apple booth.