[comp.lang.ada] OCharacters with codes >= 128

colbert@hermix.UUCP.UUCP (09/02/87)

You can create your own Character type by defining an enumeration type that
has character literals.


	type Character_Type is (Nul, Del, ..., 'A', 'B', ...,
				Koo_Kai, Khoo_Khai, ....);

Where Koo_Kai and Khoo_Khai (etc) are the special characters in your language
(these letters are phonetic Thai characters).

You can then use an enumeration representation specification to map the enumer-
ation literals to the appropriate extended ASCII values.

Once you have this character type defined, you can create a string type by
defining an array of this character type:


	type String_Type is array (positive <>) of Character_Type;

This allows you to use string literals such as the following:

	"This is a string of String_Type"  -- may require type qualification

However, you will have to use catenation to create string_type expressions that
contain your countries special characters (and of course non-printable


	"This is a '" & Koo_Kai & "' while this is a '" & Khoo_Khai & "'"

As for the I/O of your language specific characters, you will need to create
a Thai_Text_IO (or something equivalent).  Ada does not say that Text_IO is
the ONLY text I/O package, only that it is the standard text I/O package.  In
this case you need something non-standard.

I hope this is of help.

Take care,

Ed Colbert
Absolute Software
4593 Orchid Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90043-3320
(213) 293-0783
hermix!colbert@rand-unix.arpa			ARPA
(trwrb!, sesmo!, ...)hermix!colbert		UUCP

P.S.  See LRM Sections 2.6 (String Literals), 3.5.2 (Character Types),
		       3.6.3 (The Type String), 4.2 (Literals).