[comp.lang.ada] Industry software organization survey


This is a survey as to what different organizations are doing with 
internal research and development (IR&D), which may be called 
internal projects by some, and software process groups which 
evolve and promulgate the company culture for doing software 
projects.  Results will be summarized for respondents.  For each 
of the 2 topics, there are listed below several items to jog your 
thoughts, but please don't be discouraged by the number of items 
below: reply with information that your organization deems to be

    - what portion of total IR&D expenditures is software
    - what is the dollar amount of software IR&D
        (For example, in the latest High Technology Business
        magazine, it is reported that AT&T spends $2.5B on
        IR&D, 1/10 of that on basic research, but an unspecified
        portion on software.)
    - is software IR&D limited to new market penetration or is it 
      permissable to fill existing weaknesses, etc.
    - to what extent are different subjects addressed, such as
      specific tools, complete environments, etc.

Software process group
    - how long has the group been in operation
    - number of people, and what skills are sought
    - influence in the organization, such as where is the group 
      positioned, what is its authority, how high does it report,
      how is it funded
    - what is the function of the group (set and enforce 
      standards, study new methodology, validate tools, etc.)
    - does the group perform IR&D
    - does the group interact with on-going projects
    - what is the relation to the software quality assurance 
    - how are the people kept current (such as by rotation with 
      real projects, industry tracking, etc.)
    - does the group provide training


        Dale Gaumer
        Magnavox Electronic Systems Co.
        1313 Production Road
        Ft. Wayne IN 46808
