[comp.lang.ada] Meeting of Proposed IEEE P1003.5 POSIX/Ada Working Group

karl@grebyn.COM (Karl A. Nyberg) (11/07/87)

This was posted over a week ago, but apparently didn't make it out (you
should have seen the error message I got!).  Note
that the conference is now just a one day affair.

-- Karl --

= Date: 30 Oct 87 02:57:23 GMT
= From: vrdxhq!deller@umd5.umd.edu  (Steven Deller)
= Organization: Verdix Corporation, Chantilly, VA
= Subject: Meeting of Proposed IEEE P1003.5 POSIX/Ada Working Group
= To: info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
= [Also posted to news.announce.conferences]
=            Meeting Announcement
=    Proposed IEEE P1003.5 Ada/POSIX Working Group
=    10-11 November, 1987
=    Dulles Airport Days Inn
=    Herndon, VA  22070 
=    (about 20 miles from Washington D.C.)
=    Contact: Call 703+471-6700 for room reservations (request "POSIX" 
=         or "VERDIX" by 6 Nov 87 to receive special $65/day rate).
=         Please call Paul Moskowitz at 703+378-7600 if you plan to attend.
= This first meeting of the proposed IEEE P1003.5 POSIX/Ada Working Group will 
= establish the charter for this group, determine the group organizational 
= structure, and discuss various technical issues involved with supporting Ada 
= on POSIX.  The technical issues will be categorized and discussed in some
= detail so that the basis for subsequent technical work is well understood.
= Attendees are encouraged to be familiar with Draft 12 of IEEE P1003.1 POSIX 
= Document. (Contact Maj. Terry Fong at 703+664-5389/4979 if you need a copy of
= the document in preparation for this meeting.)  Anyone willing to actively 
= participate in the discussions is welcome.  Lunch will be catered both days.
= -- 
= <end_message> ::= <disclaimer> | <joke> | <witty_saying> | <cute_graphic>
= {verdix,seismo,umcp-cs}!vrdxhq!deller