[comp.lang.ada] quote of the week


From Government Computer News, Nov 20, pg 34:
  Subject is an Ada compiler for massively parrallel computers-
"Although the new compiler will not pass
the Ada validation test, he (Squires of DARPA) said "many
issues were left open" in the Ada language
reference manual, so the new compiler
is not a complete departure from Ada.
   Squires said he has not asked the AJPO, which oversees the development of the
Ada language, about the new compiler. "This is DARPA. I don't
have to ask their permission," he said.
end excerpt:
   In fairness to Squires he should have equal
time on this BB because newspapers sometimes mi}isquote{_.
BUT it does remind me of the famous movie line
"Badges, we don't need no stinkin badges"
regards, sam harbaugh