[comp.lang.ada] Rationale for Ada doc.

ALLEN_S%ASD.SPAN@STAR.STANFORD.EDU (Stanley Roger Allen, AdaDude) (12/08/87)

	The book "Rationale for the Design of the Green Language" is
now called (you guessed it) "Rationale for the Design of the Ada
Language".  The AJPO does not distribute this book directly, but it is
the "source" of the document.  Distribution is handled by the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS) and a couple of other agencies.
They are availible at the following address/phone#:

	National Technical Information Service
	US Dept of Commerce
	5285 Port Royal Road
	Springfield, Virginia  22161
	(703) 487-4650

	The Rationale will cost a certain amount (I don't know just how
much) and you have to order it by its order number -- AD A073 854.

	The AJPO's Ada Information Clearinghouse has a lengthy list of
Ada documents produced by different parts of the govt (though a lot of
them were developed by companies under contract), as well as a great
deal of other Ada-related information.  You can get on their mailing
list by writing or calling:

	3D139 (1211 S. Fern, C-107)
	The Pentagon
	Washington DC 20301-3081
	(703) 685-1477

MFELDMAN@GWUVM.BITNET (Mike Feldman) (12/13/87)

I thought the writer really meant "for the GREEN language". The
recent posting RE: the "final" rationale is correct, I think. The
rationale for preliminary Ada appeared as ACM SIGPLAN Notices,
vol. 14, no. 6, June 1979 part B.

For readers interested in Ada history, this document (and part A,
the original ALRM) is very interesting because of the (mostly
simplifying) changes made to Ada between 1979 and standardization
in 1983.

I imagine that "Rationale for GREEN..." was substantially similar
to the 1979 rationale, though there may have been some changes
even then.

Can anyone say for sure if the final rationale is finished
or whether the thing NTIS is selling is the "draft" of 1984 that
Ichbiah left partly undone? I have the 1984 one; I have heard
rumors that the final, finished one is indeed "out there" but only
available by subterfuge. Can anyone elucidate for INFO-ADA readers?