spf@whuts.UUCP (FRYSINGER) (12/19/87)
Here's a collection of the references which I received in response to my request about multiprocessing Ada. I had good intentions of merging this list into an alphebetized bibliography, but it's becoming obvious that I won't get around to that for awhile, and many other people have indicated an interest in the references. So here they are, stripped but not (completely) sorted. Thanks to all who contributed! Steve Frysinger *** Belz, F. C.; Blum, E. K.; and Heimbigner, D. "A multiprocessing implementation-oriented formal definition of Ada in SEMANOL." Proc. ACM-SIGPLAN Symp. on Ada (Boston, Nov. 1980) pp. 202-212. Burns, A. "Efficient initialization routines for multiprocessor systems programmed in Ada." Ada Letters July/Aug. 1985, pp. 55-60. Clemmensen, G. B. "A formal model of distributed Ada tasking." Proc. AdaTec Conference on Ada (Arlington, VA, Oct. 1982) pp. 224-237. Fisher, D. A.; and Weatherly, R. M. "Issues in the design of a distributed operating system for Ada." Computer 19, 5 (May 1986) 38-47. Flynn, Susan; Schonberg, E.; and Schonberg, E. "The efficient termination of Ada tasks in a multiprocessor environment." Ada Letters 7, 7 (Nov.-Dec. 1987) 55-76. Gehani, N. "Concurrency in Ada and multicomputers." Computer Languages 7, 1 (1982) 21-23. Lindquist, T. E.; and Joyce, R. C. "Ada task synchronization in a multiprocessor system with shared memory." Journal of Pascal, Ada and Modula-2 Jan./Feb. 1985, pp. 9-19. Luckham, D. C.; Von Henke, F. W.; Larsen, H. J.; and Stevenson, D. R. "Adam: an Ada-based language for multiprocessing." Software - Practice and Experience 14, 7 (July, 1984) 605-642. Roberts, E. S.; Evans, A.; Morgan, R.; and Clarke, E. M. "Task management in Ada - A critical evaluation for real-time multiprocessors." Software - Practice and Experience 11 (1981), 1019-1051. Romanowsky, Helen; "Ada publications." Ada Letters 6, 5 (Sept.-Oct. 1986) 94-112. Romanowsky, Helen; "Ada publications." Ada Letters 7, 2 (Mar.-Apr. 1987) 135-136. Rosenblum, D. S. "An efficient communication kernel for distributed Ada runtime tasking supervisors." Ada Letters 7, 2 (Mar.-Apr. 1987) 102-117. Schonberg, E.; and Schonberg, E. "Highly parallel Ada - Ada on an Ultracomputer." Ada in Use: Proceedings of the Ada International Conference (Paris, May 14-16, 1985) Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 58-71. Yemini, S. "On the suitability of Ada multitasking for expressing parallel algorithms." Proceedings of the AdaTec Conference on Ada (Arlington, VA, Oct. 1982) pp. 91-97. @misc{als3, KEY = "Hon87", TITLE = "Approach to Remote Access", YEAR = 1987, HOWPUBLISHED = "Technical Report, Distributed Ada for the Ada Language System/Navy" } @INPROCEEDINGS{cor84, AUTHOR = "D. Cornhill", TITLE = "Partitioning {Ada} Programs for Execution on Distributed Systems", YEAR = 1984, BOOKTITLE = "{IEEE} 1984 Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering", ORGANIZATION = {IEEE} } @INPROCEEDINGS{appr4, AUTHOR = "D. Cornhill", TITLE = "Four Approaches to Partition {Ada} Programs for Execution on Distributed Targets", YEAR = 1984, BOOKTITLE = "{IEEE} Computer Society 1984 Proceedings of the Conference on Ada Applications and Environments", ORGANIZATION = {IEEE} } @ARTICLE{cor83, AUTHOR = "D. Cornhill", TITLE = "A Survivable Distributed Computing System for Embedded Application Programs Written in {Ada}", JOURNAL = "Ada Letters", YEAR = 1983, VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "32--37" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ejk86, AUTHOR = "Greg Eisenhauer and Rakesh Jha and Mike Kamrad", TITLE = "Distributed {Ada}: Methodology, Notation and Tools", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ada Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station", ORGANIZATION = "NASA Johnson Space Center", MONTH = JUN, YEAR = 1986 } @Unpublished{ejk87, author = "Greg Eisenhauer and Rakesh Jha and Mike Kamrad", title = "Targeting a traditional compiler to a distributed environment", note = "Submitted to ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation", OPTyear = "1988", OPTmonth = "July" } @misc{hon85, KEY= "Hon85", TITLE = "{Honeywell Distributed Ada Project Annual Report}", HOWPUBLISHED = "Honeywell Systems and Research Center", YEAR = 1985 } @INPROCEEDINGS{inv85, AUTHOR = "P. Inverardi and F. Mazzanti and C. Montangero", TITLE = "The Use of {Ada} in the Design of Distributed Systems", BOOKTITLE = "Ada in Use Proceedings of the Ada International Conference", YEAR = 1985, NOTE = "Paris", MONTH = May } @Unpublished{jek87, author = "Rakesh Jha and Greg Eisenhauer and Mike Kamrad", title = "An Implementation Supporting Distributed Execution of Partitioned {Ada} Programs", note = "Submitted to {\em IEEE 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems}", OPTyear = "1987", OPTmonth = "November" } @ARTICLE{jha87, AUTHOR = "R. Jha and Mike Kamrad and D. Cornhill", TITLE = "Ada Program Partitioning Language: A Notation for Distributing {Ada} Programs", JOURNAL = ieeese, YEAR = 1987, NOTE = "Accepted for publication" } @InProceedings{kjec87, author = "Mike Kamrad and Rakesh Jha and Greg Eisenhauer and Dennis Cornhill", title = "{Distributed Ada}", booktitle = "First International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues", year = "1987", OPTeditor = "", OPTpages = "", OPTorganization = "ACM SIGAda", OPTpublisher = "", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "" } @TECHREPORT{knight, AUTHOR = "J.C. Knight and J.I.A. Urquhart", TITLE = "The Implementation and Use of {Ada} on Distributed Systems with High Reliability Requirements", TYPE = "Final Report", INSTITUTION = "University of Virginia", NOTE = "NASA Grant Number NAG-1-260", MONTH = Mar, YEAR = 1983 } @INPROCEEDINGS{sch81, AUTHOR = "S. Schuman and E.M. Clarke and C. Nikolau", TITLE = "Programming distributed applications in {Ada}: A first approach", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1981 International Conference on Parallel Processing", YEAR = 1981 } @TECHREPORT{sof84, AUTHOR = "Unknown", INSTITUTION = "Softech", TITLE = "Programming distributed applications in {Ada}", MONTH = Dec, YEAR = 1984 } @INPROCEEDINGS{vol85, AUTHOR = "R.A. Volz and T.N. Mudge and A.W. Naylor and J.H. Mayer", TITLE = "Some problems in distributing real-time {Ada} programs across machines", BOOKTITLE = "Ada in Use Proceedings of the Ada International Conference", NOTE = "Paris", MONTH = May, YEAR = 1985 } @Article{ac85, author = "J.W. Armitage and J.V. Chelini", title = "Ada software on distributed targets: a survey of approaches", journal = "Ada Letters", year = "1985", OPTvolume = "4", OPTnumber = "4", OPTpages = "32-37", OPTmonth = "January-February", OPTnote = "" } I published a article in the March/April 1987 "Ada Letters" on some of the work I have done on distributed Ada. The article contains other references to related work. This work is part of my PhD dissertation research, and I can probably dig up some other references if you need them. -- David Rosenblum NEW!!!!!!!! BIBLIOGRAPHY Armitage, J. W. and Chelini, J. V., "Ada Software on Distributed Targets: A Survey of Approaches," Ada Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 32-37, January, February 1985. Atkinson, C. and S. J. Goldsack, "Ada for Distributed Systems - A Compiler Independent Approach," in Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems, September 1986. Atkinson, C. and S. J. Goldsack, "Ada for Distributed Systems: A Library of Virtual Nodes," in Proceedings Ada-Europe Confer- ence, Stockholm, p. Cambridge University Press, May 1987. Bishop, J. M., S. R. Adams, and D. J. Pritchard, A Practical Method for Distributing Concurrent Ada Programs, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southamp- ton, October 1986. Burns, A., "Efficient Initialisation Routines For Mulitprocessor Systems Programmed in Ada," Ada Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 55-60, July, August 1985. Cornhill, D., "A survivable Distributed Computing System for Em- bedded Application Programs Written in Ada," Ada Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 79-87, November/December 1983. Cornhill, D., "Four Approaches to Partitioning Ada Programs for Execution on Distributed Targets," in Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society 1984 Conference on Ada Applications and Environments, pp. 153-162, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1984. Dapra, A., S. Gatti, and et. al., "Using Ada and APSE to Support Distributed Multimicroprocessor Targets," Ada Letters, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 57-65, May, June 1984. Eisenhauer, G., R. Jha, and J. M. Kamrad II, "Distributed Ada: Methodology, Notation and Tools," in Proceedings First International Conference on Ada Programming Language Appli- cations for the NASA Space Station, pp. B.3.2.1-B.3.2.8, June 2-5, 1986. Fisher, D. A. and R. M. Weatherly, "Issues in the Design of a Distributed Operating System for Ada," IEEE Computer, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 38-47, May 1986. Francez, N. and M. Rodeh, "Achieving Distributed Termination without Freezing," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineer- ing, vol. SE-8, no. 3, pp. 287-292, 1982. Herlihy, M. and B. Liskov, "A Value Transmission Method for Abstract Data Types," ACM TOPLAS, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 527- 551, October 1982. Invcerardi, P., F. Mazzanti, and C. Montangero, "The Use of Ada in the Design of Distributed Systems," in Ada in Use, The Ada companion Series, ed. G. A. Fisher, pp. 85-96, Cambridge University Press, 1985. Jessop, W. H., "Ada Packages and Distributed Systems," SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 28-36, February 1982. Keeffe, D., G. M. Tomlinson, I. C. Wand, and A. J. Wellings, Pulse: An Ada-based Distributed Operating System, Academic Press, London, 1985. Knight, J. C. and J. I. A. Urquhart, "On the Implementation and Use of Ada on Fault-tolerant Distributed Systems," Ada Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 53-64, 1984. Lane, D. S. , G. Huling, and B. M. Bardin, "Implementation of a Real-Time Distributed Computer System in Ada," in AIAA Com- puters in Aerospace IV Conference, pp. 325-330, Hartford, Connecticut, October 1983. Luckham, D. C., H. J. Larsen, D. R. Stevenson, and F. W. Von Henke, ADA-M: An Ada-based Language for Multi-processing, March 4, 1981. Moreton, T., "Tools for the Building of Distributed Ada Pro- grams," in Proceedings Ada-Europe Conference, Stockholm, p. Cambridge University Press, May 1987. Paulk, M. C., "Comparing Host and Target Environments for Distri- buted Ada Programs," in Proceedings First International Conference on Ada Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, pp. E.6.1-E.6.10, June 2-5, 1986. Racine, R., "Transparent Ada Rendezvous in a Fault Tolerant Dis- tributed System," in Proceedings First International Confer- ence on Ada Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, pp. E.2.1.1-E.2.1.7, June 2-5, 1986. Reynolds, P.F., J. C. Knight, and J. I. A. Urquhart, "The Imple- mentation and Use of Ada on Distributed Systems with High Reliability Requirements," Final Report on NASA Grant Number: NAG-1-260, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Virginia, March 1983. Riccardi, G. A. and T. P. Baker, "A Runtime Supervisor to Support Ada Tasking Activation, Execution and Termination (Prelim- inary Report)," in Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society 1984 Conference on Ada Applications and Environments, pp. 14-22, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1984. Roberts, E. S., A. Evans Jr., C. R. Morgan, and E. M. Clarke, "Task Management in Ada - A critical Evaluation for Real- Time Multiprocessors," Software - Practice and Experience, vol. 11, pp. 1019-1051, 1985. Rogers, P. and C. W. McKay, "Distributing Program Entities in Ada," in Proceedings First International Conference on Ada Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Sta- tion, pp. B.3.4.1-B.3.4.13, June 2-5, 1986. Silberschatz, A., "Communication and Synchronization in Distri- buted Systems," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. SE-5, no. 6, pp. 542-546, November 1979. Tedd, M., S. Crespi-Reghizzi, and A. Natali, Ada for Multi- microprocessors, The Ada Companion Series, Cambridge Univer- sity Press, Cambridge, 1984. Volz, M., T. Mudge, A. W. Naylor, and J. H. Mayer, "Some Problems in Distributing Real-Time Ada Programs Across Machines," in Ada in Use, The Ada companion Series, ed. G. A. Fisher, p. 72084, Cambridge University Press, 1985. Weatherly, R. M., "A Message-Based Kernel To Support Ada Task- ing," in Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society 1984 Conference on Ada Applications and Environments, pp. 136- 144, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1984. Wellings, A. J., G. M. Tomlinson, D. Keeffe, and I. C. Wand, "Communication Between Ada Programs," in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Ada Applications and Environments, pp. 145-152, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1984. Wellings, A. J., "Distributed Operating Systems and the Ada Pro- gramming Language," D. Phil. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, April 1984. ACM SIGADA Ada Letters Volume VII, Number 6 (Fall 1987, Special Edition) It contains the proceedingsd of the International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues Moretonhampstead, Devon, UK May 13-15, 1987 A student of mine did an implementation of Ada tasking for the VAX under Mach, a multiprocessor operating system here at CMU. A tech report describing this work is An Implementation of Ada Tasking Thomas Newton October 1987 CMU-CS-87-169 His work uses the C Threads package, a set of parallel programming facilities that I built for C and Mach. We have a paper submitted for publication that describes both the C and Ada work. Dr. Eric C. Cooper Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Phone: (412) 268-3734 Arpanet: Eric.Cooper@CS.CMU.EDU "Mapping of the Ada rendezvous Concept onto a Multicomputer System," Petro Istavrinos, Siemens AG ZT ZFE FL FKS 11 D-8000 Muenchen 83. Printed in Implementing Functions, North Holland Publishing Co, 1981. "Ada Task Synchronization in a Multiprocessor System with Shared Memory," Timothy E. Lindquist and Richard C. Joyce. Printed in the Journal of Pascal, Ada, & Modula-2, January/February 1985. "A Proposal for Implementing the Concurrent Mechanisms of Ada," Xiaolin Zang. Printed in SIGPLAN Notices, V21 #8, August, 1986. "A Multiprocessor Bare Machine Ada System for Flight Simulators," Vincent Rich. Presented at the November 1986 I/ITSC Conference. Steve, if you want a copy of this paper, I can send it to you.