Since someone quoted documents regarding the original intent of Ada for real-time I feel compelled to say what I remember. On my first Ada project (which was a real-time system using VAXes) I followed with great interest the Army/Softech planned implementation order for target computers. I remember that they were targetting a "bare-VAX", no VMS etc. Then things seemed to turn to yogurt over the following years and they implemented under VMS. Pity they didn't accomplish the original mission. If they had we would today have a public domain compiler and ARTE for a bare VAX and STARS etc. could be building system pieces to go with it. I could be improving the ARTE instead of spending taxpayer's money to "get around" vendor's supplied ARTEs. Oh well, here in Florida there is a saying "It is hard to remember that your original mission was to drain the swamp when you up to your waist in alligators". regards, sam harbaugh ---------------------