[comp.lang.ada] Sample Sequential_Io code

asp@SEI.CMU.EDU (Spencer Peterson) (02/16/88)

Here is some sample code that DOES compile correctly on the current version
of VAX Ada.

with Sequential_Io;
procedure Seq_Test is
    package Sio is new Sequential_Io(Integer);
    use Sio;
    f : File_Type;
    i : integer;
    open( f, in_file , "test.sio");
    read( f, i );
    close( f );

The problem you and the professor had was probably in placing the
instantiation of Sequential_Io correctly into one (or more compilation
units).  The code segment below is equally compilable:

with Sequential_Io;
package Sio is new Sequential_Io(integer);
-- The above makes Sio a valid library generic instantiation, nameable in any
-- subsequent compilation unit.

with Sio; use Sio; -- the 'use' is LEGAL here, as Sio is no longer a generic.
procedure Seq_Test is
use Sio; -- If you DON'T use it in the context clause, it's legal here also.
...      -- Code is the same, except that the instaniation is not needed.

By the way, if the prof.'s PC compiler accepted "use Sequential_Io;", then it
has a bug(very probably), since a generic package cannot be 'used' directly 
without a prior instantiation, and the library name "Sequential_Io" is 
predefined and should ALWAYS refer to the package specified in the ARM, and 
hence should NOT a library unit nameable in a 'use' clause.  Technically, it
is NOT illegal to use the predefined library unit names(with an exception that
I would explain here) but it would be considered BAD programming style. 

Spencer Peterson
Member of the Technical Staff
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA  15213