(Erland Sommarskog) (03/02/88)
The scene: Four generic packages, a list handler(L), a queue and stack handler(QS), a binary-tree handler(B) and a package for topological sorting(T). Some of the procedures in B are also generic. Add to this a main program (M). Now M instantiates T, which instantiates B and QS and also some of the procedures in B. Finally QS instantiates L. All packages have a limited type parameter. The size of the code was around 1100 lines, including comments, in kbytes around 40. After compilation and linking this expanded to 900 kbytes! I find that quite extreme. My environment is VADS 5.41, 4.3 BSD and VAX. VADS uses the DIANA format, and these files are also the big consumers of disk space, but I have no idea if it is really necessary. To compare I also compiled and linked the program on VMS with DEC-Ada. This costed 430 blocks or 220 kbytes. Somewhat more reasonable. However, DEC does cheat. Recompiling a generic body invalidates the instantiations. On the other hand recompilation with seven reinstantiations took a good time with VADS. I'm not really sure whether DEC's cheating is permitted or not. The paragraph in question would be 10.3(7-9). Anyone who knows? But VADS seems definitely to be doing it wrong. Under some circumstances the library acts as if a generic body was dependent of its instantiation. -- Erland Sommarskog ENEA Data, Stockholm sommar@enea.UUCP "Souvent pour s'amuser les hommes d'equipages and it's like talking to a stranger" -- H&C.