[comp.lang.ada] commercialization of Ada-Export Control?


Is Export Control an impediment to commercialization of Ada. In
order to receive certain Ada source code I had to sign an
agreement to abide by Export Control laws. This resulted in
a company policy/procedure, a log book of exort controlled
"things", the purchasing of sticky labels for tapes & diskettes,
the completion and submission of forms to obtain a number, the
purchasing of a rubber stamp for paer documents, the budgetting
for a future purchase of an "Ollie North" endorsed shredder, and
last but not least the posting of this query.
** All this to obtain a matrix multiply which I could have
written in less time - Oh well call it an investment **
  My question is, are these regulations peculiar to
the algorithms, the money that paid to develop it, the
language that it is written in (Ada) or what? Is Modula-2 code
subject to Export control? Can I freely develop Ada code for 
export - the fine print says I must obtain an export license.
Is an Export license needed for code in other langauges?
If I post some Ada code that I created on the info-Ada BB
and it is read by a foreign national or "exported" to
computers at Universities in foreign countries have I
violated my agreement? Will the Ada police visit me in the
dark of night? Does Booch's book with 501 Ada components
being sold oversees violate the law? You get the idea
of my quandry. Thanks for any help you can offer.
regards, sam harbaugh