[comp.lang.ada] 2 examples of portability problems

emery@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (Emery) (05/02/88)

The problem with most portability bugs like this is that
it's very hard to capture and machine-analyze the rules, partly
because you can't be sure what the programmer really means...

In this example, the meaning is obvious, but implementations can do
different things:

package foo is

  type t is range -2**31 .. 2**31 -1;	-- no problems (assuming 32 bit
					-- integer types)

  subtype positive_t is t range 0 .. 2**31 -1;
			-- here's the problem.  
			-- the expressions in the range declaration
			-- are of type T.
			-- 2**31 is not in the allowed range of type
			-- T, but (2**31 -1) is in the range of T

			-- the language doesn't require that
			-- intermediate results be constraint-checked, but
			-- a compiler can do this.

			-- bottom line:		
			--   one compiler compiled and ran this code
			--   without complaint
			--   another issued a compiler warning that the
			--     expression would raise constraint_error, and
			--     the code did raise constraint_error.

end foo;

Here's another potential bug, but this is hard to catch because of the
possible intended meanings:

package foo is

  function incr return integer;

  type t_rec is 
    i1 : integer := incr;
    i2 : integer := incr;
  end t_rec;

  my_trec : t_rec;

end foo;

package body foo is

  count : integer := 0;
  function incr return integer 
    count := count + 1;
    return count;
  end incr;

end foo;

Now, the order of evaluation of record components is not defined by
the language, so you cannot assert that either of the following is
	my_trec.i1 = 1 and my_trec.i2 = 2 	-- don't know if my_trec
						-- was first call to incr!

	my_trec.i2 = (my_trec.i1 + 1)		-- because it very well could
						-- be that i2 was initialized
							-- first

I am not sure if you can assert the following:
	abs(my_trec.i1 - my_trec.i2) = 1	-- only true if there can be
						-- NO calls to incr during
						-- object initialization by
						-- anyone else

						-- I don't THINK the language
						-- requires this

				dave emery