[net.movies] An amazingly bad old movie worth seeing

evan@petfe.UUCP (Evan Marcus) (07/25/85)

Last night, on Channel 29 (Philadelphia) they repeated an oldie and abaddie.
But, for a laugh, it's tough not to recommend "Satan's Cheerleaders".

Yvonne DeCarlo is in it (boy has she put on weight since  The Munsters!),
so is John Ireland, and a bevy of sexy (clearly older than high school)
cheerleaders.  It really has to be seen to be believed.  Has anybody
else every heard of or seen this epic?

--Evan Marcus

I do and I do and I do for you kids, and this is the thanks I get!

hg@entropy.UUCP (Helen Gipe) (07/26/85)

> Last night, on Channel 29 (Philadelphia) they repeated an oldie and abaddie.
> But, for a laugh, it's tough not to recommend "Satan's Cheerleaders".
> Yvonne DeCarlo is in it (boy has she put on weight since  The Munsters!),
> so is John Ireland, and a bevy of sexy (clearly older than high school)
> cheerleaders.  It really has to be seen to be believed.  Has anybody
> else every heard of or seen this epic?
> --Evan Marcus
> -- 
> {ucbvax|decvax}!vax135!petsd!petfe!evan
>                          ...!pedsgd!pedsga!evan
> I do and I do and I do for you kids, and this is the thanks I get!

I saw the movie several years ago at a drive-in.  I can't remember the
name of the movie we went to go see, but it (Satan's Cheerleaders) was
the preview movie.

ccrrick@ucdavis.UUCP (Rick Heli) (07/27/85)

> Last night, on Channel 29 (Philadelphia) they repeated an oldie and abaddie.
> But, for a laugh, it's tough not to recommend "Satan's Cheerleaders".
> Yvonne DeCarlo is in it (boy has she put on weight since  The Munsters!),
> so is John Ireland, and a bevy of sexy (clearly older than high school)
> cheerleaders.  It really has to be seen to be believed.  Has anybody
> else every heard of or seen this epic?
I saw it, to my everlasting regret.  There must have been a veritable
paucity of reasonable TV fare to get me to watch that dreck.  Why
even sleeping would have been more exciting...

I got the impression that a lot was cut out of the version I saw.
For example, one moment the sheriff is leering over the
schoolteacher and the next the scene is completely different...
					--rick heli
					(... ucbvax!ucdavis!groucho!ccrrick)

smc@mit-vax.UUCP (Stewart M. Clamen) (07/29/85)

> Last night, on Channel 29 (Philadelphia) they repeated an oldie and abaddie.
> But, for a laugh, it's tough not to recommend "Satan's Cheerleaders".

	Amazing, and I thought that I was the only person who ever saw
that movie!

	I first saw it about 2 years ago, and found it so awful that
it was worth watching till the end.  It was one again this past
spring, and I was able to coax some dorm-mates of mine to view it with

	An interesting note:  One of the cheerleaders is played by the
same actress who was Marcia on the Brady Bunch (her name escapes me).



USENET: ...!decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!smc%mit-oz

jerry@uwmcsd1.UUCP (Jerry Lieberthal) (07/29/85)

> Last night, on Channel 29 (Philadelphia) they repeated an oldie and abaddie.
> But, for a laugh, it's tough not to recommend "Satan's Cheerleaders".
>  It really has to be seen to be believed.  Has anybody
> else every heard of or seen this epic?
> --Evan Marcus
> -- 
> I do and I do and I do for you kids, and this is the thanks I get!

Yes, I am ashamed to say that I actually RENTED it with the expectations of
a good (?) B-grade mindless flick.  Needless to say, I found it even more
disappointing (except for the main cheerleader!!).


Oh no, they're throwing rocks and bottles ...