DN5@PSUVM.BITNET (D. Jay Newman) (05/06/88)
I am looking for an Ada compiler for the Macintosh, anything would be good, but one designed to work with MPW would be best. I asked this question a while ago in a Mac newsgroup and got an answer, but the compiler wasn't shipping then, and I have since lost the name of the company. Can anybody help me? (This is for learning use, because my wife and I would like to learn the language.) Jay Newman
dorourke@polyslo.UUCP (David M. O'Rourke) (05/07/88)
I'm not sure of the name of the company but I have heard rumors of a MPW Ada compiler for the Macintosh from the same company who makes an Ada compiler for MS-Dos machines. The company is located in the Orange County area of Southern California, and I think it's name begins with an "M". Perhaps some people out in netland could fill in the details of my bad memory. Anyways the interesting thing about this compiler is that I heard they were doing it by generating MPW C code which you then feed to the MPW C compiler. I'm not qualified to judge the ramifications of this, but I don't think I like it! I hope this helps! David M. O'Rourke +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | dorourke@polyslo | Disclaimer: All opinions in this message are mine, but | | | if you like them they can be yours too. | | | Besides I'm just a student so what do I | | | know! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | When you have to place a disclaimer in your mail you know it's a sign | | that there are TOO many Lawyer's. | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
bakken@hrsw2.UUCP (David E. Bakken) (05/09/88)
Meridian Software Systems, Inc. offers Ada for the Mac, and it runs as a MPW tool. I'm not sure when it started shipping, but I do remember it is not currently validated but is expected to be by the end of the year. Meridian can be reached at 23141 Verdugo Drive Suite 105 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (800) 221-2522 (714) 380-9800 Disclaimer: I have no connection with Meridian and the above info is from their promitional literature. -- Dave Bakken Boeing Commercial Airplanes (206) 277-2571 uw-beaver!apcisea!hrsw2!bakken Disclaimer: These are my own views, not those of my employers. Don't let them deter you from buying the 747 you've been saving hard for.
sdy@ssc-vax.UUCP (The Evil Gorn) (05/10/88)
In article <41784DN5@PSUVM>, DN5@PSUVM.BITNET (D. Jay Newman) writes: > I am looking for an Ada compiler for the Macintosh, anything would be good, but > ... > Jay Newman I believe that both Meridian and Alsys have Ada compilers for the mac -- I don't know about MPW interface but I do know that these compilers are $$$ -- althought Meridian will sell a limited (demo) version for $99. I think the Alsys requires a Mac II but I don't have the promos right on hand. steve. -- Steven D. Yee >>> my employer does not share my opinions <<< uw-beaver!ssc-vax!ssc-bee!sdy >>> (that's because I'm always right! ;-) <<< The infinity of space is only encompassed by the capacity of the human mind.
RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Rick Conn) (05/24/88)
The file PD2:<ADA.POINTERS>IBMPCADA.DOC contains information on available Ada compilers for the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh. The following is the title page from this file. Rick ---- title page follows ---- Ada Compilers which Host on IBM PC and Macintosh Personal Computers As of 4/23/88 The following information is provided for each set of Ada compilers: Recommended Configuration for Host Computer. The Host Computer is the computer on which the programs are to be compiled. Target Computers. The Target Computers are the computers on which the programs are to run after they have been successfully compiled. Cost. Several options are available for each set of compilers. Address. How to contact the manufacturer (ad- dress and phone number). -------