[comp.lang.ada] Is This Correct Ada or VMS Ada Compiler?

arya@hawk.ulowell.edu (Arun Arya) (06/28/88)

Does Ada make types exported from generic packages that are
expressions on formal arguments identical to the passed type arguments?

	type t is limited private;
package p is
	subtype tt is t;
	type xyz is array (1..10) of t;
end p;

with p;
procedure generictest is
	package q is new p(integer);
	x: integer;
	y: q.tt;
	z: q.xyz;
	x := y;
	y := x;
	x := z(2);
end generictest;

Compiles without error on VMS.

keith@telesoft.UUCP (Keith Shillington @prodigal) (07/08/88)

The Ada is correct.  The instance package q has the interface:

package q is
  subtype tt is integer;
  type xyz is array(1..10) of integer;
end q;

			Keith Shillington
			TeleSoft's Education Group