(Steven Holtsberg) (12/13/88)
First I compile the following program, which is in a file called d1.a: :::::::: d1.a :::::::: ------------------- package pA is end pA; with text_io; use text_io; package body pA is begin put("Elaborating pA"); new_line; end pA; with pA; use pA; procedure proc is begin null; end proc; with text_io; use text_io; with proc; procedure main is begin proc; end main; ------------------- % ada -M main -o d1 d1.a I run the program with the following outpout: % d1 Elaborating pA Next, I decide to change the name of package pA to p3, and I also change the name of the file to d2.a: :::::::: d2.a :::::::: ------------------- package p3 is end p3; with text_io; use text_io; package body p3 is begin put("Elaborating p3"); new_line; end p3; with p3; use p3; procedure proc is begin null; end proc; with text_io; use text_io; with proc; procedure main is begin proc; end main; ------------------- I compile the program: % ada -M main -o d2 d2.a And I run it, with the following output: % d2 Elaborating p3 Elaborating pA Is this a bug in my Ada compiler? Or am I supposed to clean out the Ada library before every new compilation?
jws@hpcljws.HP.COM (John Stafford) (12/14/88)
I wouldn't expect that you need to clean out the library first. What compiler are you using (vendor/version)? John Stafford - HP DLD - Better Living Through Electrical Stuff