[comp.lang.ada] commercial Ada use

ddikel@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (Dave Dikel) (02/16/89)


My name is Dave Dikel.  I am the chair of the Commercial Ada Users Working 
Group (CAUWG) (of ACM SIGAda).  I want to apologize right away for not being 
more active in this newsgroup.  Nevertheless, thanks to the efforts of Ed Berard 
and others, it serves strongly to promote the commercial use of Ada technology.

Our charter is to promote and support the practical use of Ada technology.  As 
such, we conduct user surveys, publish a newsletter, and meet during national 
SIGAda meetings.

I am very interested to know how many of you out there are interested in and/or 
using Ada as a means to getting a better use of your organization's time, money 
and effort.  What types of projects are you working on?  Are you writing 
commercial product software, for example?

Would you be interested in helping me start an  lectronic branch of our

I will summarize the responses for this newsgroup.

My net address is:  ddikel @ ajpo.sei.cmu.edu; phone number:  (703) 847-6741


Dave Dikel