[comp.lang.ada] Accreditation of computing programs

MFELDMAN@GWUVM.BITNET (Michael Feldman) (02/19/89)

Since the subject of accreditation came up in a recent discussion on
INFO-ADA, I thought I'd pass some information on to you, so that we can
all read from the same script. Those of you in industry might not often
focus on the accreditation process, but for (many of) us in the academic
world, it's a fact of life that impacts our curriculum planning. Hence
the relevance to the recent discussions on software engineering education.

I'm serving now for the second time as coordinator of my department's
preparation for accreditation visits by ABET(Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology) and CSAB (Computing Sciences Accreditation
Board, so I have ready access to all their documentation. First, a
couple of basic principles:

1. Most respectable colleges and universities are accredited by their
regional accreditors (in our region it's the Middle States Association
of Colleges). This is one kind of accreditation called "institutional".
What we should be discussing here is the other kind, namely "program
accreditation" in which an accredited institution submits one or more
of its programs (i.e. curriculum+faculty+labs, etc.) to a discipline-
specific board like ABET or CSAB.

2. At least in engineering and computing, there is accreditation ONLY at
the undergraduate level. There is no mechanism to accredit graduate
programs in, say, software engineering. This is a two-edged sword: on
the one hand, there is no recognized means for comparing graduate
programs, since there is, really, no standard. On the other hand,
since accreditation bears within it a strong component of bean-counting
and rigidity, lack of accreditation means freedom to innovate and

Just in case you were wondering why those programs titled "software
engineering" or whatever, exist only at the graduate level, refer to the
above paragraph. Software engineering is NOT a recognized title for an
accredited program: ABET doesn't see it as engineering (in the sense of
civil engineering or computer engineering); CSAB at this point doesn't
really recognize it at all. For those schools for whom accreditation is
important, there's simply no mechanism to call an undergraduate program
"software engineering." But at the graduate level anything goes: perhaps
local or state governments need to be satisfied, but not the boards.

My department offers UG programs in EE, Computer Engineering (both ABET-
accredited) and Computer Science (CSAB-accredited). The way the two boards
divide the territory, ABET won't consider a program that does not have
"engineering" in the title. I don't know whether CSAB will consider one that
_does_, but CSAB was created to encompass computer science programs both in
and out of schools of engineering.

Lest you think this is all just academic inside stuff, I should point out
that ABET and CSAB are really creatures of the technical societies; CSAB is
a creation of ACM and IEEE Computer Society. I presume that these groups get
strong input from industry; many if not most accreditation visiting teams
have members from both industry and academe.

I thought some of you out there might be interested in just what CSAB
considers a good program to be, so I've extracted, verbatim, the
curriculum criteria from their document. There are other criteria having to
do with number of faculty, lab equipment, library, etc.; I won't bore you
with these but will be glad to Snail the whole document to anyone asking

When a department requests an accreditation visit, CSAB sends down a
packet of forms to fill in, in the goriest of detail, showing exactly how
the program meets the criteria. ABET works the same way. It's almost
like the government. Well, here are the curriculum criteria:

For this section, requirements are specified in terms of years of study.
For a baccalaureate program requiring 120 semester hours (180 quarter
hours), one year of study equals 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours).
For a program requiring more than 120 semester hours (180 quarter
hours), 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) may be considred to
constitute one year of study in any of the curricular components
specified. For a baccalaureate program requiring fewer credit hours, or
a program using a different credit system, one year of study is
considered to be one-fourth of the total credit requirements for the

The curriculum must integrate technical computer science requirements
with general education requirements and electives to prepare the
students for a professional career in the computer field, for further
study in computer science, and for functioning in modern society. The
computer science program must provide the student with both breadth and
depth in computer science. The program should have at least one and
one-third years of study in computer science topics. It should also
contain at least two additional years of study as specified in (2.)
below. The remaining two-thirds year of the program is unspecified by
CSAB and may be used as appropriate to fulfill the objectives of the
student or the institution.


The computer science segment of the program must contain a
broad-based core of fundamental material that is required of all
students and that makes up 40 to 60 percent of the computer science
requirement. This core must provide reasonably even emphasis over
the areas of theoretical foundations of computer science,
algorithms, data structures, software design, the concepts of
programming languages, and computer elements and architecture.
Within this portion of the program, analysis and design
experiences with substantial laboratory work, including software
development, should be stressed. IN addition the student must be
exposed to a variety of programming languages and systems and must
become proficient in at least one higher-level structured language.
The social implications of computing should be included in the

The remaining 40 to 60 percent of the computer science segment of
the program should be advanced courses in computer science. These
courses are to be selected in such a manner as to insure that depth
of knowledge is obtained in at least one-half of the core material.

Some of these topics in the computer science segment could be
covered in courses offered in other departments.


Certain areas of mathematics and science are particularly important
for the study of computer science. These areas must be included in
all programs.

The curriculum must include one-half year study of mathematics.
This material must include discrete mathematics, differential and
integral calculus, and probability and statistics; and may include
additional areas such as linear algebra, numerical analysis,
combinatorics, and differential equations. Some of this material
may be covered in the courses of the computer science department.

The curriculum must include the equivalent of a) a two-semester
sequence in a laboratory science for science majors and b) two
additional one-semester courses in science and/or courses with
strong emphasis on quantitative methods.

The curriculum must include the equivalent of at least one year's
study in humanities, social sciences, arts, and other disciplines
that serve to broaden the background of the student. These courses
are frequently specified by institutional requirements.

The communication skills of the student, both oral and written, must
be developed and applied in the program.

whew! As you can see, software engineering, as a topic, is certainly not
excluded, but certainly is not mentioned by name or required.

If you are interested in reading some recent stuff on CS curricula, there's
a good paper by Denning et al. in the January Communications of the ACM and
the February IEEE Computer magazine.

Perhaps someone else would like to excerpt the relevant ABET criteria; my
fingers are getting tired.

Michael B. Feldman, Professor              residence address for USNail:
Dept. of Elect. Engrg. and Comp. Sci       Michael B. Feldman
The George Washington University           6218 Wagner Lane
Washington, DC  20052  U.S.A.              Bethesda, MD  20816  U.S.A.
Acknowledge-To: Michael Feldman <MFELDMAN@GWUVM>