[comp.lang.ada] Tactical Data Systems

abcscnge@csuna (Scott Neugroschl) (03/06/89)

From: abcscnge@csuna (Scott Neugroschl)

[Mod.note: Note that this is crossposted between sci.military [moderated]
and comp.lang.ada.   I'd like everyone to reply to Scott by email, rather
than following-up, unless you'r certain your information is vital to
both groups.  I trust Scott will then post a summary of the information
he receives. - Bill ]

I read in one of the trade rags (I forget which, but a copy is posted on
the printer room door at work -- not here :-)) that AFATDS (Advanced Field
Artillery Tactical Data System) completed its FQT with only 31 TR's, all
priority 3 or lower.  For those who don't know about TR priority, 1 prevents
fielding, 2 prevents fielding unless a good explanation can be given, 3 is
"affects mission, workaround exists", 4 & 5 are less critical still.

Given that AFATDS is (from what I hear) around 1 _Million_ lines of Ada code,
and knowing what I know about how the Army tests software, I find this hard
to believe.  Can anyone give me the straight dope (comp.lang.ada'ers reply
by E-mail, I don't subscribe to your group)?  Also, does anyone know if
Congress has unfrozen/refunded the AFATDS program?

Scott "The Pseudo-Hacker" Neugroschl
UUCP:  ...!sm.unisys.com!csun!csuna.csun.edu!abcscnge
-- "Beat me, whip me, make me code in Ada"
-- Disclaimers?  We don't need no stinking disclaimers!!!