karl@grebyn.com (Karl Nyberg) (03/08/89)
[Ed - forwarded] ADA 9X PROJECT REQUEST FOR INFORMATION In order to expedite the Ada revision process, the Ada 9X Project Office under sponsorship by the Ada Joint Program Office has tasked the Software Engineering Institute to perform a number of focused short-term studies. These studies will not replace the Ada 9X Project requirements analysis but are intended to augment and facilitate future Ada 9X activities. One of these studies deals with software reuse and Ada. The purpose is to identify any deficiencies in Ada's support for reuse and provide recommendations for possible revisions. The product of this effort will be a report to be used to consider deficiencies during the Ada 9X revision process. To help complete this study, comments on the following topics will be helpful: 1. Language issues - this area shall focus on features of the Ada language itself, both syntax and semantics. While generics will be a major area of concern, this part of the study effort will also look at other areas of the language that may affect reuse such as types, packages, and exceptions. 2. Reuse-based development issues - effective reuse is based largely on abstraction mechanisms. While some of these are related to the language's syntax and semantics, others relate to software development methodology. This part of the study shall examine reuse-based methods both for the development and application of reusable software. It will determine if changes in the language would benefit particular reuse-based development methods. 3. Implementation issues - Ada compiler implementations may pose certain reuse-related problems. Because there is some loss in efficiency due to the general nature of reusable software, optimization features must minimize this loss. This part of the study shall identify language requirements to ease the burden of optimization. In addition, compilers must be capable of handling complex generic structures. Together with the methods area, this part of the study shall identify standard approaches for reuse and methods for assessing performance of compilers for these approaches. The point of contact for this study is: Mr. Sholom Cohen Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-268-5872 sgc@sei.cmu.edu Please send your comments to Mr. Cohen by 25 March 1989. The report on this topic will be made available to the public upon completion. Ada 9X is an Ada community project. I appreciate your support and consideration of this matter. CHRIS ANDERSON Ada 9X Project Manager March 3, 1989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------