[comp.lang.ada] use of Ada for seismic data signal processing


At a Rational User's Group meeting almost a year ago, a gentleman from
Shell Oil (I *think* his name was Steve Kelley, if I interpret the
hieroglyphics of my notes correctly...) talked about the use of Ada at
Shell for signal processing.  They were using 2 Cray X/MPs and
lots of other big machines (EXTREMELY high throughput requirements) to
perform signal processing on tens of thousands of 9 inch tape reels of
seismic data, and they were planning to transition to Ada.  My notes
indicate that they expected the effort to initially involve 35 .. 45
Staff Years, and > 1 MSLOC.  Now to my questions:
1) Any other examples of commercial uses of Ada for high throughput
   signal processing applications?
2) If Steve Kelley or someone else from Shell would get in touch with
   me, or if someone else can let me know how to contact them, I'd really
   appreciate it. 

Thanks for any help,

    Chuck Howell
    MITRE, Mail Stop Z-645
    7525 Colshire Drive
    McLean, VA 22102-3481