CALL FOR PAPERS __________________________________________________________________ Ada-Europe Dublin 1990 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION Ada : Experiences and Prospects 12-14 June 1990 Dublin, Ireland The year 1990 marks the start of a new decade and the end of one in which the Ada language came of age, in terms of use and acceptability. What better time to reflect on the experiences of Ada users throughout that time and to look to the future in the light of that experience. Also, this is a crucial phase of Ada's life in which the standard is being evaluated and changes to it are being proposed through the 9X process, the outcome of which will determine the shape of Ada through to the next century. This conference will fall mid-way through the 9X programme, and will be a good forum for discussion of topical issues. Papers are sought describing, in particular, experiences with using Ada within projects throughout their life cycle, so that the impact of Ada can be assessed. Of special interest is feedback about the maintenance and enhancement phases of Ada projects and products. Does Ada stand up to its claims, especially with respect to quality? Papers should address what was predicted, what actually happened and what should be done in future. The main theme of the conference is the impact of technical and management issues in the software engineering economics of Ada, as well as technology transfer and training. Authors are invited to prepare an extended abstract (4-6 pages) in English, including the paper title, authors' names, affiliations, addresses (including electronic addresses), and phone numbers and forward ten copies to the Programme Chairman: Barry Lynch, Generics (Software) Ltd., Clonard House, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16, Ireland. Phone: +353-1-954012, Fax: +353-1-954011 Telex: 38019 MBOX EI, Email: Important Dates: Sept 15th 1989, Extended Abstract Due Dec 15th 1989, Notification of Acceptance Jan 31st 1990, Completed Papers Due __________________________________________________________________ Sponsored by Ada-Europe with the assistance of the Commission of the European Communities and the cooperation of acm SIGAda (ACM approval pending) For any further information regarding the Conference or Exhibition please contact the Conference Secretariat: Ada-Europe 1990, Northumberland House, 44 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Phone +353-1-688244, Fax +353-1-686769