[comp.lang.ada] Ada 9X selects Requirements Team and Distinguished Reviewers

karl@grebyn.com (Karl Nyberg) (07/14/89)

[Now that the AJPO machine is up and running we can get this out.]

-- Karl --

	      Special Ada 9X Project Announcement!
			 Chris Anderson
		     Ada 9X Project Manager
			  13 June, 1989

     It is with great pleasure that I announce the selection of
members of the Ada 9X Project Requirements Team, and the Distinguished
Reviewers Group.  For those of you in the Ada community who could not
commit this much time to the Project but would still like to
participate, there will be many other opportunities to review and
comment on Ada 9X Project actiivties.

     Requirements Team
	  Cy Ardoin		   Institute for Defense Analyses
	  Paul Baker		   CTA, Inc.
	  Doug Dunlop		   Intermetrics
	  Joe Linn		   Institute for Defense Analyses
	  Steve Michell		   Prior Data Sciences, Canada
	  Karl Nyberg		   Grebyn Corp
	  Audrey Hook		   Institute for Defense Analyses
	  Cathy McDonald	   Institute for Defense Analyses

     Distinguished Reviewers
	  Emeritus Member
	       Jean Ichbiah	   Alsys
	       Grady Booch	   Rational
	       Ben Brosgol	   Alsys
	       Norm Cohen	   IBM
	       Robert Dewar	   New York University
	       Gary Dismukes	   Telesoft
	       David Fisher	   Incremental Systems
	       Anthony Gargaro	   Computer Sciences Corp
	       Mark Gerhardt	   ESL
	       John Goodenough	   Software Engineering Institute
	       Ernesto Guerrieri   Softech
	       Tim Harrison	   SPC
	       Stephen Heilbrunner IABG,Germany
	       Marlow Henne	   Sverdrup
	       Paul Hilfinger	   Univ of California/Berkeley
	       Mike Kamrad	   Unisys
	       Rudolph Lanwehr	   CCI, Germany
	       Randal Leavitt	   Prior Data Sciences, Canada
	       Kit Lester	   Portsmouth Polytechnic, UK
	       Lennert Mansson	   Telelogic, Sweden
	       Bob Mathis	   CONTEL
	       Charlie Mitchell	   Digital Equipment Corp.
	       Mike Mills	   Air Force/ASD
	       Erhard Ploedereder  Tartan
	       David Pogge	   Navy/NWC
	       Kent Power	   Boeing
	       Olivier Roubine	   Syseca, France
	       Tucker Taft	   Intermetrics
	       Bill Taylor	   Ferranti, UK
	       Eugen Vasilescu	   GNV
	       Tom Wheeler	   Army/CECOM