[comp.lang.ada] compilation performance figures for real systems


Benchmarks and samples notwithstanding, what kinds of actual Ada
compiler throughput (stmts per elapsed minute) are you finding for real
projects with large amounts of Ada code?  I understand that framing the
question this way doesn't accomodate results for incremental compilation
systems (e.g., Biin, R1000), but I'm primarily interested in results for
"traditional" Ada compilers.  Any/all statistics will be helpful; if
information on stmts/elapsed minute, stmts/CPU minute, HW/OS & compiler,
and aprox. volume of code can be supplied that would be terrific.  I'll
send a summary to the net (without indications of origin of specific
stats, of course).  Thanks!
    Chuck Howell
    MITRE, Mail Stop Z-645
    7525 Colshire Drive
    McLean, VA 22102-3481