[comp.lang.ada] Test Case Generator

jmarr@blackbird.afit.af.mil (James S. Marr) (08/14/89)

I'm interested in any information related to grammar-driven compiler
test generation.  In particular, I'd like to investigate methods
for generating compiler tests of combinations of Ada language features.
I'd appreciate references to any work that has been done in this
or related areas.  Currently, I'm developing tools to analyze the Ada
BNF description.  Next, I must determine how to identify "recommended"
combinations of language features that should be tested together.
I welcome any suggestions as to what methods I should use.  

Jim Marr (jmarr@galaxy.afit.af.mil)

ryer@inmet (08/16/89)

Intermetrics developed a test case generator much like you describe.
It inputs a BNF and outputs immense numbers of test cases.  We use
it internally for compiler testing (Intermetrics does compilers for
Ada, C, Modula, and many other languages).

The tool was described in an article in "Software Practice and Experience"
in January 1989.  It is titled "Independent Testing of Compiler
Phases Using a Test-Case Generator", by Homer and Schooler.

Mike Ryer
Intermetrics, Inc.
(617) 661-1840