[comp.lang.ada] Problem with defining *BIG* arrays using Verdix Ada on Apollo

GDAU100@BGUVM.BITNET ("Jonathan B. Owen") (10/19/89)

I have a need to define a 1-4 Meg array in a procedure as follows:

procedure MEG_ARRAY is

   type Byte is range 0..255;
   for Byte'Size use 8;

   type Byte_array is array(integer range <>) of Byte;

    My_array : Byte_array(1..1024*1024);

   for i in My_array'RANGE
       -- Do something impresive!
   end loop;

When I try to run the program, I get a STORAGE_ERROR.  I am using Verdix
Ada Ver 3.0 on an Apollo (SR10.2b).   I have tried defining a bigger stack
than the default (using apollo's CONFIG_.A package).  No luck.

    I would very much appreciate any pointers/suggestions.

                                                           Thank you,

  (--)    /--)     /-(\                 Email: gdau100@bguvm (bitnet)
  \ /    /--K      | \|/\   /\/) /|-\   Snail: 55 Hovevei Zion
  _/_/o /L__)_/o \/\__/  \X/  \_/ | |_/        Tel-Aviv, 63346  ISRAEL
 (/        Jonathan B. Owen             Voice: (03) 281-422

 Point of view:  A chicken is the means by which an egg reproduces an egg.
Acknowledge-To: <GDAU100@BGUVM>