[comp.lang.ada] Ada binding to X-Windows

lmgc@gmv.es (Luis Mariano Gonzalez) (11/25/89)


We are working with the Ada binding to the X window system from SAIC.

As far as we have tried it seems to work rather fine but we have found out
several bugs.

We would like to contact people who are working in the same environment
in order to transfer relevant information.

Please contact us if you are working with SAIC Ada binding to X-Windows.

Thanks in advance.

L.M. Gonzalez                            Ph. +54 1 234 30 04
Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV)  Fax +54 1 233 32 50
Cristobal Bordiu, 35                     Telex  48487 GMEV E
E-28003 MADRID                           lmgonzalez@gmv.es
SPAIN                                    mcvax!gmv.es!lmgonzalez@uunet.uu.net

Newsgroups: comp.windows.x,comp.languages.ada
Subject: Ada binding to X-Windows
Reply-To: lmgc@gmv.es (Luis Mariano Gonzalez)
Distribution: world
Organization: Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV), Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Ada X-Windows


We are working with the Ada binding to the X window system from SAIC.

As far as we have tried it seems to work rather fine but we have found out
several bugs.

We would like to contact people who are working in the same environment
in order to transfer relevant information.

Please contact us if you are working with SAIC Ada binding to X-Windows.

Thanks in advance.

L.M. Gonzalez                            Ph. +54 1 234 30 04
Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV)  Fax +54 1 233 32 50
Cristobal Bordiu, 35                     Telex  48487 GMEV E
E-28003 MADRID                           lmgonzalez@gmv.es
SPAIN                                    mcvax!gmv.es!lmgonzalez@uunet.uu.net