(S Johal) (02/02/90)
I am planning to have upgraded my DN3500 to SR10.2 (from 9.7.1), but cannot until I know of the availability of ALSYS ADA under SR10.2. Since our local ALSYS people told me middle of last year that they could supply ADA for 10.1 and then last week said they couldn't, I have the feeling they don't know what's really happening. Since I'm in desperate need of the X11R3 that comes with SR10.2, (and our local APOLLO(/HP) support staff have said the're happy to give me a "pick up/upgrade to SR10.2+goodies/drop down(gently)"+ service), I'm keen to hear from anybody who knows about ALSYS ADA support for SR10.2. *-------------------------------------------*----------------------------* * Subindrao Johal, *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* * SARI Project, * tel: 031 668 1550 x219 * * Department of Electrical Engineering, * fax: 031 662 4678 * * University of Edinburgh, * email: * * The King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JL *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* *-------------------------------------------*----------------------------* +(that's what I call support ! - are you listening SUN ?)