[net.movies] TIME/SPACE displacement

schuetz@via.DEC (or REGAL or GLIVET. DTN 381-2647. ZKO2-2R04) (08/19/85)

I think that all of you arguing about the earth moving about the sun, etc.
are just making everything thing too complex.  Lets just talk about
a TIME displacement 12 hours into the past.  12 hours ago, you were moving
about a thousand miles per hour in the opposite direction.  Lets answer how
you take care of that problem.

Or never mind the TIME aspect.  Talk about a transporter (ala STARTREK).
Nevermind going to the other side of the world.  Just go from the equator
to about New York, and you've changed your velocity from 1000 mph to 500 mph.
Fix that.

I think that I agree that the extreme cold effects that we saw were supposed
to indicate that some energy adjustment had taken place.  Don't worry about
the details until you build your own TIME MACHINE.

reiher@ucla-cs.UUCP (08/27/85)

The last time I mentioned this it was a joke, but does anyone else think
that maybe we really should have a net.movies.physics (or net.physics.movies,
I'm not doctrinaire).  I really have absolutely no interest in these postings,
they seem to breed like flies whenever a SF movies comes out, and they are
so numerous that it is getting tedious to skip them.  Obviously such postings
have fans, at least those who keep posting them, but I really think that most
of them have very little to do with most people's experience of movies.

Am I alone in my irritation or do others think that this stuff belongs
somewhere else?  Mail, please, not followups.
        			Peter Reiher