[comp.lang.ada] reuse references

hobbs@tron.UUCP (Elizabeth T. Hobbs) (05/31/90)

  A short time ago, I said that I would mail the reuse references rather
  than post them--unless there was an interest in my posting them.  Since
  then, I have received 49 requests for the references!  In my opinion,
  that constitutes an interest.  Therefore, I will post the references.
  I am sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.  If, due to the size
  of the reference article, some people cannot received it (info-ada, 
  perhaps?), then I will mail to those people (if they send me their email
  address clearly indicated).

  thanks again to everyone who contributed,

  Terri Hobbs

hobbs@tron.UUCP (Elizabeth T. Hobbs) (05/31/90)

 The following is a list of all references sent to me by various 
 individuals.  Naturally, everyone seemed to send theirs in a different
 format.  I tried to merge them all into 1 (which happened to be the style
 the largest reference list sent).  In the process of merging, I was as
 faithful to the original reference as possible, while trying to keep a
 common style for the final reference list.  I also included some 
 references that appeared at the end of some papers (not all!).  These
 may be of limited use, but who knows?  (They do add some interesting

 Aside from the dozen or so references that I have looked at, I can't make 
 any recommendations concerning their usefulness, etc.  I included all the
 references I received without removing any of the less 'reuse-looking'
 ones.  I am relying on the original contributor for accuracy; except in 
 one instance where part of the title was cut off, I transferred the 
 original information diligently.  I do claim all responsibility for 
 typos! (I hope there aren't too many of those).  Please send me any 
 corrections or additions or comments about these reference.



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[Alexandridis, 1986]. N.A. Alexandridis, "Adaptable Software and
Hardware: Problems and Solutions, " Computer, Vol. 19, No. 2, February
1986, pp. 29 - 39.

[Anderson and Gossain, 1990]. B. Anderson and S. Gossain, "Software
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Conference, March 1990, pp. 299 - 304.

[Anderson and Weitz, 1986]. E. Anderson and B.A. Weitz, "Make-or-Buy 
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[Arango, 1989]. G. Arango, "Domain Analysis: From Art to Engineering
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14, No. 3), May 1989, pp. 152 - 159.

[Averou, 1987]. C. Avgerou, "The Applicability of Software Engineering
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[Bailin 1989]. S.C. Bailin, "An Object-Oriented Requirements
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[Barstow, 1985]. D.R. Barstow, "Domain-Specific Automatic
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[Bassett, 1987]. P.G. Bassett, "Frame-Based Software Engineering,"
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[Berard, 1987]. E.V. Berard, "Software Reusability Cannot Be
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Society Press of the IEEE, Washington, D.C., pp. 390 - 393.

[Biggerstaff and Richter, 1987]. T. Biggerstaff and C. Richter,
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[Biggerstaff, 1989]. T. Biggerstaff, Reusable Software, Addison-Wesley,
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[Biggerstaff and Perlis, 1989]. T. Biggerstaff and A.J. Perlis,
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[Boehm 1976]. B.W. Boehm, "Software Engineering", IEEE Transactions 
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[Bott 1989]. F. Bott (Ed.), Software Engineering Journal, July.

[Brookes, 1974]. F. P. Brookes Jr., The Mythical Man-Month, Englewood
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[Buckingham, et al, 1987]. R.A. Buckingham, R.A. Hirschheim, F.F. Land, and
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[Burton et al, 1987]. B.A. Burton, R.W. Aragon, S.A. Bailey, K.D.
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Software, Vol. 4, No. 4, July 1987, pp. 25 - 33.

[Carstensen, 1987]. H.B. Carstensen, "A Real Example of Reusing
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Software Quality and Productivity, Washington, D.C., March 1987, pp.
B-1 to B-19.

[Cheatham, 1984]. T. E. Cheatham, Jr., "Reusability through Program
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[Chen, 1987]. W. Chen, "A Theory of Modules Based on Second-Order Logic",
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[Cox, 1986]. B.J. Cox, Object Oriented Programming, Addison-Wesley,
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[Dusink and van Katwijk, 1987]. E.M. Dusink and J. van Katwijk,
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[Embley and Woodfield, 1987b]. D.W. Embley and S.N. Woodfield, "A
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[Frakes and Nejmeh, 1987]. W.B Frakes and B.A. Nejmeh, "An Information
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[Freeman, 1987].  P. Freeman, Editor, Tutorial: Software Reusability,
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[Gargaro and Pappas, 1987]. A. Gargaro and T.L. Pappas, "Reusability
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[Gossain and Anderson, 1989]. S. Gossain and D.B. Anderson, 
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[Gossain and Anderson, 1990]. S. Gossain and D.B. Anderson, "A Generic
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[Horowitz and Munson, 1984]. E. Horowitz and J.B. Munson, "An Expansive
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[Jones, 1983]. T.C. Jones, Editor, Tutorial: Programmer Productivity:
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[Jones, 1984]. T.C. Jones, "Reusability in Programming:  A Survey of 
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[Jones, 1986]. C. Jones, Editor, Tutorial Programming Productivity:
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[Kaiser and Garlan, 1987]. G.E. Kaiser and D. Garlan, "Melding
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[Katz, Richter, and The, 1987]. S. Katz, C.A. Richter, and K. The, 
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[Krueger, 1989]. C. W. Krueger, "Models of Reuse in Software Engineering",
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[Lenz et al, 1987]. M. Lenz, H.A. Schmid, and P.F. Wolf, "Software
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[Levy and Ripken, 1987]. P. Levy and K. Ripken, "Experience in
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[Mac An Airchinnigh et al, 1987]. M. Mac An Airchinnigh, A. Burns, and
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[Margono and Berard, 1987]. J. Margono and E.V. Berard, "A Modified
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[Rouse and Hartog, 1988]. R.A. Rouse and C. Hartog, "The New MIS 
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[Rubin, 1990]. K. Rubin, "Reuse in Software Engineering: An Object-
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[Russell, 1987]. G.E. Russell, "Experiences Implementing a Reusable
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Monmouth, New Jersey, pp. 8 - 18.

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Ada Letters, Vol. VI, No. 2, March, April 1986, pp. 41 - 50.

[Schneider, 1987]. R.J. Schneider, "Prototyping Toolsets and 
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[Shlaer and Mellor, 1989]. S. Shlaer and S.J. Mellor, "An
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Notes, Vol. 14, No. 5, July 1989, pp. 66 - 77.

[Sivley, 1987]. K.E. Sivley, "Experience and Lessons Learned in
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Fifth National Conference on Ada Technology and Washington Ada
Symposium, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, Fort
Monmouth, New Jersey, pp. 436 - 440.

[Solderitch et al, 1989]. J. Solderitch, K. Wallnau, and J. Thalhamer,
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Seventh Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, Atlantic City,
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[Sommerville, 1985]. I. Sommerville, Software Engineering (2nd Ed.), 
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[Sprague and McNurlin, 1986]. R.H. Sprague and B.C. McNurlin,
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[Stamp, 1989]. D. Stamp, "Taking an Objective Look", Datamation, 
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[Standish, 1984]. T. A. Standish. "An Essay on Software Reuse," IEEE
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[Swatman, 1988]. P.A. Swatman, An Introduction to the Development of 
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[Swatman, 1989a]. P.A. Swatman, "Prototyping Within the MIS Design Cycle",
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numbered), 1989.

[Swatman, 1989b]. P.A. Swatman, "Improving the Accessibility of Formal 
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[Swatman, et al., 1989]. P.A. Swatman, P.M.C. Swatman,  and P.H. Marshall,
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[Swatman and Swatman, 1990]. P.A. Swatman and P.M.C. Swatman, "The
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[Tracz, 1987a]. W. Tracz, "Software Reuse: Motivators and Inhibitors,"
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Computer Society Order Number 764, Computer Society Press of the IEEE,
Washington, D.C., pp. 358 - 363.

[Tracz, 1987b]. W. Tracz, "Ada Reusability Efforts: A Survey of the
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Jersey, pp. 35 - 44.

[Tracz, 1987c]. W. Tracz, "Reusability Comes of Age," IEEE Software,
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