brosgol@AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU (08/01/90)
A while ago (June 30) there was a message from Richard Pattis (Univ. of Washington) asking about Alsys' FirstAda product. Below is a response to his questions. > I recently received two flyers from Alsys about FirstAda. From a > FirstReading, it appears that the compiler included in the product is the > standard 286 version of the Alsys compiler (including AdaProbe, AdaMake, > AdaXref, AdaReformat, and AdaVerify) integrated into a menu-driver interface > that includes an editor (you can substitute your own too). Apart from this, > the memory requirements are 640K + 2Mb extended memory (I recall all the > previous Alsys products to require 4Mb). The price is listed as $1,815. This is mostly correct. AdaVerify (a fast syntax checker) is a new tool, and FirstAda also includes two other tools: AdaCount (a utility for tallying source lines, tokens, etc), and AdaSplit (for separating a compilation source file into multiple files, one per compilation unit). The menu mechanism is in addition to the standard AdaWorld command language interface. As for pricing, the $1815 figure is accurate, but there is also a university price of $995. >Questions: > 1) Is my understanding about the base compiler correct (286, not 386)? Yes, it's a 286 compiler and can run on either a 286 or 386 (under DOS). > 2) What is the current price of the standard 386-based system (to compare)? The 386 compiler system comprises two compilers (one for 286 compatibility and another (32-bit) for the 386) and a toolset (AdaProbe, AdaMake, AdaXref, and AdaReformat). This product requires 4MB of extended memory (not included). The next major release will include the new FirstAda tools as well as the menu interface. The price is $3895 (single copy), and $2000 for schools. > 3) Does it [FirstAda] require only 2Mb extra, not the 4Mb normally needed > by Alsys? Correct; it only needs 2MB but of course any additional extended memory will also be used. Note that there is no memory board bundled with the product; users are expected to supply their own. If anyone needs further information, the point of contact at Alsys is Jerry Rudisin (VP / Product Marketing) at (617) 270-0030.