saharbaugh%roo.dnet@WINNIE.FIT.EDU (08/16/90)

Several years ago we purchased from Harris a Masscomp workstation
with a Verdix compilation system.  I told it to compile some files 
and got "segmentation error" on one file.  I elided the code
and found that the Ada case statement was causing
the "segmentation error". Harris looked into it and found that the
code generator assumed that the "Lightning Board" was present 
of the math coprocessor chip.  note: the error occurred at compile
time, it was the code generator code causing the fault.
There were two approaches to solving the problem as I saw it 1) recompile
the code generator so that did not assume the lightning board or 2) add
a lightning board to the computer so the code generator would be happy.
Harris choose approach 2, add the board, but since our project
could not afford to buy a lightning board (about $5000 as I remember) and since we had purchased a system rather than piece parts
There are two points I want to make from this experience, 1) Unless
you are really qualified to integrate software parts and pieces with
hardware parts and pieces, BUY YOUR Ada COMPILATION
SYSTEM FROM A SYSTEM VENDOR  2) There is at least
one system vendor who accepts their system responsibility and backs
it up with their checkbook and good engineers. 
I'll report next year on the ones we are working with now and let
you know how they did but so far they are doing  a good job also.
p.s. I don't own any Harris stock.
regards, sam harbaugh