[comp.lang.ada] Text I/O with 8-bit charset

spilker@uni-paderborn.de (Joerg spilker) (09/08/90)

Hello Ada-programmers,

please help a novice Ada-programmer. I'm working with the ADAVAX 3.5E 
compiler under VAX/VMS 5.3. I had to do input/output to terminal and to 
files with an 8-bit character set (because of german special national 
characters). But how to define this set with the appropriate operations in 
a transparent manner, if the standard only supports a 7-bit charset? If I 
use the standard get and put procedures and type a character with a code 
>127, I get no runtime error, but the typed characters are simply ignored.

I tried some definitions like this:

TYPE CHARACTER IS (ae,oe,ue,ss);
FOR CHARACTER USE(228,246,252,223);

But with these definitions, every output to the terminal is followed by a 
CRLF and getting characters from SYS$INPUT immmediately raises an END_DATA 

Any hints for my Problem?

Joerg Spilker

P.S. Please answer to the following E-mail adresses. I'm not reading this 
group regularly.
    **     | Joerg Spilker, Brueckenstr. 12, 4927 Luegde, +49 5281 78087 |
  _/  \_   | Dnet: spilker@uni.paderborn.de                              |  
 / |  | \  | Fido: Joerg Spilker of 2:244/23                             |