I'm curious what Dec box Eric Schallenmuller was using. We have a 10K LOC program (75 packages) that compiles on a VAX 780 (same software versions that Eric has) in 20-30 minutes. Compile times were timeed during daytime time-sharing hours. The other users were not compiling Ada, but running other applications. The same program compiles in 31 minutes on a Z-248 (8 MHz 80286). The compiler is Meridian Ada 4.0. On a 16 MHz 386 box, the 10K LOC compiles in about 15 minutes with the same compiler. If it is correct to multiple 10K by 25, then Eric's program should compile on our VAX 780 in less than half the time. By-The-Way, you should see how much faster a VAX 8600 compiles. -- joe carozzoni -- -------
saharbaugh%roo.dnet@WINNIE.FIT.EDU (09/10/90)
No need to guess where the compilation bottleneck is, the Vax has an excellent performance measurement feature that will tell you everything you need to know to to determine the bootleneck (e.g., page faults, disk I/O etc.). There also exist Ada LOC counters that tell you everything you want to know about your source code (semicolons, statements, comments etc.) Sorry, I can't recall where to get one easily, I have one 'somewhere'. regards, sam harbaugh ---------------------