[comp.lang.ada] ATLAS/Ada Binding - Meeting Report


          ATLAS Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale FL (29 Oct-2 Nov 1990) 
          Report by William A. Whitaker 
          ATLAS (Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems) is an IEEE
          Standard, a version of which (C/ATLAS, IEEE Std 716) been 
          adopted by the DoD and is specified for maintenance test 
          programs.  DoD has been pushing for the use of Ada in all 
          applications, including ATE.  The IEEE ATLAS standards 
          committee set up an "ABET" (ATLAS/Ada Based Environment for 
          Test) working group to develop the Ada binding for ATLAS.  
          The ABET Requirements document now appears to be well 
          established and stable.  A Rationale document has been 
          established and an architecture document is well along under
          Technical code work has now begun in earnest.  The ATLAS 
          Interface Working Group, developing the Ada specs that 
          correspond to ATLAS semantics, is making progress.  There is
          a Working Draft 2.00, assembled by Jeudha Ziegler of ITT 
          under STARS sponsorship, to comment against.  For the 
          ATLAS/Ada WG a system for handling technical issues, similar
          to Ada AIs, has been set up to document the development.  50
          issues were processed at this meeting.  The mapping of ATLAS
          features into ABET has begun.  The other binding effort, for
          the ATE System Layer, has established its direction.  The 
          next ABET meeting should provide a sketch of the eventual 
          product.  I might hope for a working prototype demonstration
          by May, but I am always optimistic.  
          Further meetings of the ABET subcommittee already scheduled:
          Washington (Tyson's Corner, VA, Hilton) February 5-7, and 
          Germany in May of 1991.  There has still been no 
          participation in the Working Groups from the Ada community.  
          The work of the binding groups is entirely Ada, only Ada
          code is being produced, there are not going to be any 
          changes to ATLAS.  The Committee is insufficiently 
          staffed in Ada experts.  Since I am ABET Liaison to the 
          Ada community, it must be all my fault.  
          The Air Force has selected and is funding several 
          contractors to participate in an Air Force ABET Technical 
          Advisory Group (ATAG).  This Group is to develop proposals 
          for the ABET Committee.  
          The Chairman of ABET is Richard Weger, AAI Corp, PO Box 126,
          Hunt Valley, MD 21030-0126, (301) 628-3634.  