(Michael Feldman) (11/17/90)
Does anyone out there know what the current wisdom is on expected LOC (lines of code) per day measures on Ada projects? Also, is there by now an established "Ada-like" way to count LOC? Is the government using any sort of consistent measure of LOC? Is there general agreement on what a "typical" LOC/day measure should be on an Ada project? I am involved in a small project on a very short fuse and need to get some info on this. Pointers to published references would be best, but off-the-record info would also be helpful; I promise I won't quote anyone who doesn't want to be quoted. Please respond by e-mail; if anything interesting and quotable turns up, I will summarize to the group. Thanks! I will be very grateful! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Michael Feldman Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052 202-994-5253 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------