schallen@dinl.uucp (Eric Schallenmueller) (11/30/90)
Having just received the VADS compiler and being a good programmer by reading the nice manual, I discovered that Verdix includes a copy of the Dining Philosophers program in their supply of examples. I believe someone compiled and executed the Professor's program with the VADS system. Is it much different than the one Verdix supplies? (I plan on investigating this myself, but I'm in that wonderful end of year push to get things done.) Did Prof. Feldman look at that example? Did it get his blessing? Is it portable? I will try to examine this myself, but it will probably take two to three weeks at the least. Meanwhile, is anyone else game? Eric Schallenmuller Please ignore my views and opinions... everyone else does... (Michael Feldman) (12/01/90)
In article <1802@dinl.mmc.UUCP> schallen@dinl.uucp (Eric Schallenmueller) writes: >Having just received the VADS compiler and being a good programmer by reading >the nice manual, I discovered that Verdix includes a copy of the Dining >Philosophers program in their supply of examples. I believe someone compiled >and executed the Professor's program with the VADS system. Is it much >different than the one Verdix supplies? (I plan on investigating this myself, >but I'm in that wonderful end of year push to get things done.) > >Did Prof. Feldman look at that example? Did it get his blessing? Is it >portable? I will try to examine this myself, but it will probably take two >to three weeks at the least. Meanwhile, is anyone else game? > >Eric Schallenmuller > >Please ignore my views and opinions... everyone else does... Well, since I didn't realize that example is in the VADS library, I took a look. Sure enough, here is the program. It is documented as being in the public domain, so there's no harm in posting it to the group. I haven't yet compiled it, but eyeballing the code gives me no reason to think it's not portable. I tried to use my version as an example of design as well as portability, and think it's a successful design. If you compare this program to mine, you find the main difference to be that, while the VADS version is more "visual" (picture instead of text windows), mine is decomposed better in that ONLY the head_waiter has any knowledge of graphics, location on screen, etc. A philosopher thinks and eats, and communicates with the rest of the world only to report states to the head_waiter, who handles ALL the display functions, via a window manager that handles ALL the physical screen handling. IMHO this is better design; perhaps you'll agree. You might well argue that this is overkill, but remember that the screen controller, window manager, and random number package are all perfectly reusable components (although I wouldn't call them "industrial strength") - indeed, I re-used them from many earlier projects. So to answer the original question: does the Verdix program have my blessing? well, I'm not a priest, so it's not for me to bless or curse anything. What we're doing here is comparing some different Ada styles - I would never go further than to say that styles are a matter of taste. I'll play around with the VADS example to assess portability, though; thanks for putting me on to it. BTW: while my signature file indeed identifies me as a professor, "Mike" is as good a name to call me by as any other. --- cut here --- -- UNIT: procedure PHL -- FILES: phl.a -- COMPILE: ada phl.a -M phl -o phl -- PURPOSE: tasking test and demonstration -- DESCRIPTION: The dining philosophers problem. -- Usage: phl -- .......................................................................... -- with text_io; procedure phl is print_task_starts : constant boolean := true; term_type: character := '1'; subtype seat is integer range 0..4; task type output is entry put_cursor ( s : seat; at_table, eating : boolean); entry put_line(s: in string); entry put(s: in string); entry term_type_entry(x: in character); entry clear_screen; end output; o: output; task type dining_room is entry allocate_seat (s : out seat); entry enter; entry leave; end dining_room; dr: dining_room; task type fork is entry pick_up; entry put_down; end fork; cutlery : array (0..4) of fork; task type philosopher; school : array (0..4) of philosopher; task rand_delay is entry rand; end rand_delay; task body output is term_type: character; -- '1' for vt100, '2' for f100 clear_sc : constant string := ascii.esc & '*' ; use text_io; pnum : character; r_s : seat; r_at_table, r_eating : boolean; type xy_position is record x : integer range 0 .. 79; y : integer range 0 .. 23; end record; eating_coords : array (seat) of xy_position := ( (28, 6), (25,12), (36,15), (46,12), (44, 6) ); thinking_coords : array(seat) of xy_position := ( (20,21), (30,21), (40,21), (50,21), (60,21) ); procedure put( item: in string ; pos: in xy_position ) is xp : integer := pos.x; yp : integer := pos.y; elp : integer; type as is access string; s : as := new string'(item); xs : as := new string'(integer'image(xp)); ys : as := new string'(integer'image(yp)); begin if yp /= 23 then elp := 79; else elp := 78; end if; -- can't write 79,23 if ( xp + s'length > elp ) then s := new string'( s( s'first .. s'first + elp - xp ) ); end if; -- position and write string if term_type = '1' then text_io.put( ascii.esc & "[" & ys(2..ys'last) & ";" & xs(2..xs'last) & "H" & s.all ); else text_io.put( ascii.esc & "=" & character'val(32 + yp) & character'val(32 + xp) & s.all ); end if; end put; begin accept term_type_entry(x: in character) do term_type := x; end term_type_entry; loop select accept put_cursor(s : seat; at_table, eating : boolean) do r_s := s; r_at_table := at_table; r_eating := eating; pnum := character'val( r_s + 1 + character'pos('0') ); if r_at_table then put( " ", thinking_coords(r_s) ); if r_eating then put( "P" & pnum & "E", eating_coords(r_s) ); else put( "P" & pnum & " ", eating_coords(r_s) ); end if; else put( " ", eating_coords(r_s) ); put( "P" & pnum, thinking_coords(r_s) ); end if; end put_cursor; or accept put(s : in string) do text_io.put(s); end put; or accept put_line(s : in string) do text_io.put_line(s); end put_line; or accept clear_screen do if term_type = '1' then text_io.put(ascii.esc & "[2J" & ascii.esc & "[H"); else text_io.put(clear_sc); end if; delay 0.1; end clear_screen; end select; end loop; end output; task body dining_room is seats_filled : integer range 0..5 := 0; seat_allocation : seat := 0; begin if print_task_starts then o.put_line("dining room starting"); end if; o.clear_screen; o.put_line(" non_stop eating and thinking!"); o.put_line(" "); o.put_line(" "); o.put_line(" "); o.put_line(" ***"); o.put_line(" *******"); o.put_line(" ***********"); o.put_line(" ****** ******"); o.put_line(" ****** @@@ ******"); o.put_line(" ***** @@@@@ *****"); o.put_line(" ***** @@@ *****"); o.put_line(" ***** *****"); o.put_line(" *************"); o.put_line(" ***********"); o.put_line(" "); o.put_line(" "); loop select --allocate fixed seat numbers to each of the five philosophers accept allocate_seat (s : out seat) do s := seat_allocation; if seat_allocation < 4 then seat_allocation := seat_allocation + 1; end if; end; or when seats_filled < 5 => accept enter do seats_filled := seats_filled + 1; end; or accept leave do seats_filled := seats_filled - 1; end; end select; end loop; end dining_room; task body fork is begin if print_task_starts then o.put_line("fork starting"); end if; loop accept pick_up; accept put_down; end loop; end fork; task body rand_delay is random : duration := 0.4; begin loop random := random + 0.05; if random > 0.7 then random := 0.4; end if; accept rand do delay random; end rand; end loop; end rand_delay; task body philosopher is s : seat; begin if print_task_starts then o.put_line("philosopher starting"); end if; dr.allocate_seat(s); --obtain seat on joining institution; dr.enter; o.put_cursor(s, at_table => true, eating => false); rand_delay.rand; loop cutlery(s).pick_up; select cutlery((s+1) mod 5).pick_up; --obtained two forks; -- philosopher begins to eat o.put_cursor(s, at_table => true, eating => true); delay 1.0; cutlery((s+1) mod 5).put_down; cutlery(s).put_down; --leave the room to think dr.leave; o.put_cursor(s, at_table => false, eating => false); delay 1.2; -- enter dining room again dr.enter; o.put_cursor(s, at_table => true, eating => false); delay 0.9; or -- let someone else try for 2 forks delay 0.9; cutlery(s).put_down; rand_delay.rand; end select; end loop; end philosopher; begin text_io.put("is this a vt100 (1) or an f100 (2) -->"); text_io.get(term_type); if term_type /= '1' and term_type /= '2' then text_io.put("that's not a 1 or a 2, i'll assume you have a vt100"); end if; o.term_type_entry(term_type); end phl; -- .......................................................................... -- -- -- DISTRIBUTION AND COPYRIGHT: -- -- This software is released to the Public Domain (note: -- software released to the Public Domain is not subject -- to copyright protection). -- Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE -- -- DISCLAIMER: -- -- This software and its documentation are provided "AS IS" and -- without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. -- No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness -- for a particular purpose exist. -- -- Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under -- which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for -- a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to -- test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user -- must assume the entire risk and liability of using this -- software. -- -- In no event shall any person or organization of people be -- held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential -- or inconsequential damages or lost profits.