[comp.lang.ada] Volunteers for Ada Booth at ACM/SIGCSE 1991

pattis@cs.washington.edu (Richard Pattis) (12/27/90)

SIGAda is planning to sponsor a booth from March 6-8 at the SIGCSE conference
in San Antonio Texas (the full ACM conference runs March 4-7; with SIGCSE
meeting 7-8).  Besides displaying general Ada information (including books
and compiler info) we will have various PC Ada compilers running on a
portable.  We seek to staff the booth with volunteers: teachers who have
experience using Ada in their classrooms.

  I hope to have each volunteer spend an hour or two in the booth, to share
his/her Ada experiences (both good and bad) with other teachers interested
in using Ada.  Depending on the number of volunteers, I'll be spending a few
hours in the booth each day.  We will publicize who will be in the booth, and

  If you are going to be at this conference on the dates specified, and you
would like to volunteer your time, please contact me by e-mail, or call me at
my office: (206) 685-1218 after January 7.

  If you have any other general suggestions about promoting Ada in education
please also contact me. I am also specifically looking for other conferences
to attend: those popluated by teachers of undergraduates, who for the most
part do not already use Ada.

Rich Pattis
(new) Chairman,
SIGAda Education Committee

pattis@cs.washington.edu (Richard Pattis) (01/29/91)

...for Participation

New News:

  1) Slight Date Change: now March 5-8 (Tue-Fri)
  2) We can demonstrate Alsys's FirstAda and Meridian's Open-AdaZ
       I'm looking for interesting programs (so far, I'm including some of my
       own assignments, and Feldman's Dinning Philosphers). John McCormick,
       who uses Ada in his real-time class to control a large train layout
       will be bringing a video too.

Volunteers (so far)
  Michael Feldman  (GWU, Data Structures)
  John McCormick   (SUNY, Plattsburgh, Real-Time)
  Richard Pattis   (UW, CS-1/CS-2)
  Jim Smith        (LeMoyne, CS-1/CS-2)
  Frances VanScoy  (WVU, CS-1/CS-2)

  Dennis Volper

SIGAda is sponsoring a booth from March 5-8 at the SIGCSE conference in San
Antonio Texas (the full ACM conference runs March 5-7; with SIGCSE meeting
7-8).  Besides displaying general Ada information (including books and
compiler info) we will have various PC Ada compilers running on a portable.
We seek to staff the booth with volunteers: teachers who have experience
using Ada in their classrooms.

I hope to have each volunteer spend an hour or two in the booth, to share
his/her Ada experiences (both good and bad) with other teachers interested
in using Ada.  Depending on the number of volunteers, I'll be spending a few
hours in the booth each day.  We will publicize who will be in the booth, and

If you are going to be at this conference on the dates specified, and you
would like to volunteer your time, please contact me by e-mail, or call me at
my office: (206) 685-1218.  I'll be contacting everyone in February to settle
the schedule.

If you have any other general suggestions about promoting Ada in education
please also contact me. I am also specifically looking for other conferences
to attend: those popluated by teachers of undergraduates, who for the most
part do not already use Ada.

Rich Pattis
(new, but rapidly aging) Chairman,
SIGAda Education Committee